雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 中銀集團保險將繼續以多元化的產品、眾多的銷售渠道、緊貼巿場的發展策略及經營方針,為客戶提供優質、專業的服務。中銀集團保險主要經營的險種有:火險、財產一切險、現金險、船舶險、盜竊險、運輸險(海上、陸路、航空)、汽車險、僱員賠償險、公眾責任險、建築工程全險、旅行綜合險 ...

  2. 4. 18 歲以下人士須由父母或監護人投保。 5. 年齡介乎6個星期至17歲的人士如非與父母同行,也可獨立投保單次旅程計劃或全年保險計劃,但需按成人標準繳付全數保費,並必須在成人照顧及陪同下完成整個旅程。而其所享有的醫療及有關費用的最高賠償 ...

  3. 4. If the claim form has not been fully completed, the application will not be processed. 5. All medical report, information and evidence as required by BOCG Insurance shall be furnished at the Claimant’s own expenses. 6. The Claim Application forms can be

  4. 本計劃提供自選自負額選擇,最高自負額為港幣80,000元,讓您可節省保費之餘又多一重醫療保障作後盾。 您更可享調整自負額保證3 ,於年滿50、55、60或. 65歲的保單年度轉換自負額級別而無需提交健康證明,讓您自行選擇適合的計劃保障自己的健康。 安心自在. 終身續保4承諾 一生無憂 . 本計劃的保障期為一年,並每年續保。 提供終身續保4,無論您在受保後的健康狀況或索償紀錄有何改變,均保證終身續保4,縱使面對龐大醫療開支亦無需擔心,只要在本計劃範圍內的. 支出均可享保障,不會為您及家人帶來任何經濟負擔。 服務.

  5. 繁 简 En 简 En

  6. The Plan is an individual comprehensive medical insurance plan and puts three basic benefits including Hospital and Surgical, Supplementary Major Medical and Hospital Cash under one roof. Together with the optional benefits1 including Out-patient, Dental, Maternity or Critical Illness, the Plan provides you and your family with added peace of mind.

  7. Policy No. ii) Policy No. The Schedule Insurance Class: BOC Medical Comprehensive Protection Plan (Series 1) Name and Address of Insured: Date . Policy Number : Agent No. : 2021/09/20 CHAN XXX Period of Insurance: From 25/03/2021 To 24/03/2022 (Both

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