雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Suupaa Afekushon. Super ☆ Affection. Print view. Print view with Kanji. If you know a YouTube video of this song (NO AMV's PLEASE), paste the url here and we will add it to the page ^_^. Description: Opening Theme. Lyrics by Hata Aki. Composed and Arranged by Oota Masatomo.

  2. Everyone engraves radiance into the gentleness. I'm in a trance while wounded, it's called "living". Don't go out you're the only truth. Leave this dazzling place momentary, I will stay here..... Vestige means a mark of evidence on something, in which shows proof. Transliterated by Megatsu74.

  3. Strokes: 17 Grade: 5 Readings: シャ; あやまる; さ; ざ Meanings: apologize; thank; refuse;

  4. 優しさには いつも感 謝してる だから強くなりたい(I\\'m on the way) 懐かしくなる こんな痛みも歓 迎じゃん