雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年12月1日 · About Promise. Since its establishment as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong from 1992, Promise continues to provide convenient financial services to its customers. We put our customers first, providing flexible and trustworthy personal loan solutions to help them relieve their cash flow needs anytime and anywhere.

  2. 謝先生. 31歲 私人羽毛球教練. 邦民PROMISE嘅短期貸款特快. 入息審查,真係幫到我個女, 無收入證明都批到! 陳先生. 54歲 自僱人士. 有咗邦民「急轉錢」小額貸款,申請、批核、簽約都全程網上搞掂,一時失預算,都可以特快拎到現金應急! Rachel. 25歲 媒體編輯. 邦民的清卡數貸款幫我低息還清卡數,提早還完卡數,慳得更多! 林先生. 37歲 設計師. 有邦民循環貸款計劃, 生意周轉更容易! 黃先生.

  3. Contact Us. Customers are welcome to contact us through the following channels. New Applicant Hotline. 24-hour Member Hotline. Our Branches. Online Enquiry. Promise’s branches are all over Hong Kong, including Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, etc. Find your local branch now. Call our hotline at 31991199 or apply online.

  4. Promise is your first-choice lender. Annual percentage rate (APR) as low as 1.12%. Low interest loan to ease your burden. Apply Online Now. Promise – Easy Loan, Easy Pay! As a money lender providing online low interest loans, we are here to help meeting your financial needs. Welcome Offer Rewards up to HK$10,000 cash.

  5. 謝先生. 31歲,私人羽毛球教練. 我的職業是私人羽毛球教練,雖然有固定收入,但由於多數以現金方式出糧,並沒有入息證明。 跟太太籌備婚禮的時侯,並沒有足夠的儲蓄,急需港幣$70,000以支付酒席等費用,但又不好意思向親戚朋友開口借錢,於是我們打算向銀行及財務公司借錢周轉。 打電話向多間銀行查詢借錢方案後,發現大部份銀行和財務公司的借錢手續非常繁複,更要求出示各種證明文件供審查,對於無收入證明的我來說,實在很不方便。 幸好在電視上看到了邦民私人貸款的廣告,得知邦民提供網上申請貸款服務,借錢無需現身,24小時隨時申請,更重要是邦民的特快低息貸款,以日息計算,較一般的「月息計算」更划算,零手續費之餘,申請時更免除提供證明文件,現金出糧的我都可以借到,讓我能即時應付酒席等開支。

  6. 先生 31歲,私人羽毛球教練 了解更多 常見問題 循環貸款的還款期有多靈活? 不設每月固定還款額或特定還款期,並且只需每月繳付結欠之最低還款額,亦可選擇隨時全數還清所有結欠。已償還之信貸額隨時可循環再用並提取,毋須逐次申請,無論 ...

  7. The Personal Revolving Loan has a flexible repayment amount. Once approved, you don’t have to reapply. Resolve your urgent financial needs now! ... With PROMISE revolving loan, I can get fund whenever I need and ensure more stable cash flow! Mr. Wong 30