雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年5月2日 · According to eagle-eyed viewers, there are 36 smooches in total throughout the almost four-minute clip, which averages out to one kiss every six seconds! Public displays of affection are pretty rare in Japan, even among many heterosexual couples. So this video seems to be an encouraging nod to same-sex relationships, even if tame by Western ...

  2. After a demonstration by the master ninja, who shows off some superb wrist-flicking skills, visitors can then attempt it for themselves. To add to the excitement, ninja trainees are given a hood to wear while throwing the blades, which really will makes you feel like a true ninja. The whole experience took under half an hour to complete, and ...

  3. 港日男大不同 日本與香港女生大談異國戀情 | All About Japan. 日本體驗 日本文化. 香港人很喜歡日本,雖然平均每個人都會一年去日本好幾次,對日本有一定熟悉,但大家還好像對日本的各種事物有不同的幻想跟憧憬,就好像今天我們要討論的主題「跟日本人交往談戀愛」。 香港男生總幻想有個溫柔體貼安靜的日本女朋友,而香港女生總希望有個跟傑尼斯系的帥哥來一個日劇式的戀愛故事。 到底跟日本男生交往是怎樣的呢? 而反過來日本女生跟香港男生交往時,日本女生對香港男生又有什麼樣的體會呢? 筆者這次就邀請到香港和日本的女生,破天荒地為讀者們介紹一下真實的港日交往到底是什麼一回事。 如何在日本遇見不同國籍的他/她? 筆者訪問了曾與港男交往過的日本女生T小姐,以及正和日男交往中香港女生L小姐。

  4. 2017年11月2日 · The Iga ninja originated in Iga Province in the area around the towns of Iga and Ueno in Mie Prefecture. The Iga ninja trained in ninjutsu (the art of stealth) in the local mountains and forests, honing their secret art and skills over many centuries. These ninja were trained in the arts of disguise, escape, concealment, explosives, poison ...

  5. 2016年7月25日 · It was a cheerful rendition with blissful songs and a happy ending. But now, in the hands of 87-year-old Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, it’s taking a darker turn, returning closer to the original form. The book—a beautiful collaboration between Kusama’s repetitive forms and Andersen’s disturbing universe—is set to be released in late ...

  6. 2017年6月5日 · 日本旅遊除了吃盡美食逛遍景點外,體驗日本文化也是相當重要的一環。. 為了將日本和太鼓的魅力推薦給大家,這次我們一行3人就特別前往了和太鼓教室,體驗這集聚力與美的日本傳統大鼓。. 和太鼓不僅聲音宏亮震撼,透過敲擊太鼓傳來的振動更是超乎想像 ...

  7. 2017年2月10日 · Storybook Tenugui. Tenugui are traditional Japanese hand towels made of cotton. They have a smooth texture and can be used in a variety of ways, serving as a souvenir, a decoration, or for wrapping. And at the onsen, people may even use one as a headband! Here we present two tenugui that have an added touch, each telling a soft, seasonal story.