雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年2月15日 · Japan's 1st Transgender Man Elected to Office. On March 12, voters in the city of Iruma, Saitama Prefecture, went to the polls to elect the members of their city council. Among their options for representation was Tomoya Hosoda, a young politician who was campaigning openly as a transgender man. The votes have now been tallied, and Hosoda was ...

  2. 2017年10月16日 · Discussions around sexual and gender rights are becoming more and more prevalent in Japan, and transgender rights are right at the center. We were fortunate to talk with Selina Provias, who came out as transgender and underwent hormone therapy in Japan, to learn about her experiences and how they have affected her work and personal life here.

  3. 不出校園也能過原味聖誕:5所日本教會大學名門巡禮. 曹雨 2016年12月16日 更新. 夜生活 聖誕節. www.aoyamagakuin.jp. 提到美國的大學,大部分人第一個想到的是哈佛斯坦福等常春藤大學,而很少有人知道衛斯理學院之類的學校。. 同樣,說到日本的大學,大家第一 ...

  4. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.

  5. 2016年2月22日 · 有忍者故鄉之稱的滋賀縣甲賀市為了宣傳2月22日的忍者日】,從2月15日開始為期一周市政府觀光辦事處的職員們全部變身忍者進行工作身穿黑色藏藍色還有紅色忍者服裝的職員們大概是市政府辦公所裡最亮眼的風景~ 還有的職員直接在家就裝扮好,騎自行車或乘電車出勤,奪盡人們的眼球! 當然也有人吐槽,忍者難道不應該避人耳目,神秘地活動嗎? 其實政府也是絞盡腦汁,盡可能的利用文化資源提升甲賀市的知名度,發展觀光呢! 至於【忍者日】,則是在去年10月由日本紀念日認定協會認定的。 因為日語中“忍”(nin)的發音與數字“2”(ni)的發音相似,便將【忍者日】選定在2月22日。 “非常新鮮的感覺。 希望藉這個活動讓更多的人知道甲賀市是忍者的故鄉,並來甲賀市旅遊觀光。

  6. 2020年5月1日 · Last month, Todai-ji temple, a Buddhist temple in Nara, Japan, unveiled a powerful initiative. They called on religious leaders and believers of all faiths across Japan to come together — not physically, but spiritually — for daily prayers to end the global pandemic. The ...

  7. 2019年12月2日 · Japanese stationery is among the best in the world and Itoya Ginza is one of the best places to experience it. A 12-story stationery wonderland with floors dedicated to a different themes, you're sure to be entranced for hours.

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