雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 6首在聖誕期間熱推的日文金曲附中文歌詞典藏版) | All About Japan. 日本雖然是亞洲國家,但聖誕節文化卻早已相當發達了。. 儘管如此,由於沒有過濃的宗教背景,聖誕節當天認認真真去教堂聽聖歌禮讚的畢竟還是少數。. 更多人或許會選擇在手機裡放幾首以 ...

  2. 2018年10月26日 · Neither can we! And that's why we're excited to hear that Radwimps, the equally successful rock band behind its soundtrack, has released a short clip previewing four tracks from the movie: "Dream Lantern," "Zenzenzense," "Sparkle" and "Nandemonaiya"—all in English. With less than a month to go until the physical soundtrack's international ...

  3. Watch on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eze6-eHmtJg&feature=youtu.be. 作為20年前的名曲,「Cherry」仍舊是他們最有名的一首,也被認為樂團最棒的情歌之一。 實際上歌中並沒有直接提及櫻花或畢業,然而歌詞卻讓我想起了啟程。 就像他們的其它作品一樣,「Cherry」是一首可以有多種解讀的抒情詩。 - www.jpopasia.com (日文) 3. 森山直太朗「Sakura」(Solo) Video unavailable. Watch on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_2F2lKV9uA&feature=youtu.be. 這是比較標準的櫻花和畢業歌。

  4. 2017年5月10日 · SpecialThanks takes us for a “horse run” in their playful music video for “Umahashiru” (lit., “horse run“), name-dropping previous hits “Hello, Colorful” and “Seven Lovers” along the way. SpecialThanks’ third full album, Anthem, was released on May 10, 2017.

  5. 2018年1月29日 · The lyrics hint more at the snow melting when warmer weather comes, but how could we miss L'Arc-En-Ciel in this list? Since we couldn't find the more fitting "Yuki no Ashiato" (Snow Footprints), this song released in 1998 was our second-best find. - www.amazon.co.jp

  6. 2016年8月5日 · With Paul Feig's 2016 Ghostbusters reboot set to open in Japan on August 11, Sony Pictures Japan released its own cover of the classic track on June 28. The video features popular comediennes Yukiko Tomochika, Oniyakko Tsubaki, Naomi Watanabe and Shizuyo Yamasaki in full Ghostbuster gear—ghosts, neon, and color-coded proton pack blasts included.

  7. 2017年5月1日 · Oh my God!. 中文、日文、韓文這三國語言的某些發音竟如此相像?. 中文、日文、韓文的發音像嗎?. 答案就是,有時候確實很像。. 雖然寫法會有不同,但有一些單詞的發音幾乎是完全一樣。. 比如:茶、注意、市民。. 但也有一些,覺得應該發音一樣,但事實上 ...

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