雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年2月10日 · Storybook Tenugui. Tenugui are traditional Japanese hand towels made of cotton. They have a smooth texture and can be used in a variety of ways, serving as a souvenir, a decoration, or for wrapping. And at the onsen, people may even use one as a headband! Here we present two tenugui that have an added touch, each telling a soft, seasonal story.

  2. 數以千計的各年齡層人們身著傳統服飾走在街頭,隨著太鼓聲高聲誦。 但對許多日本人來說,祭典有更深的意涵。 我在不同場合不斷聽到「如果沒有祭典,就不像夏天了。

  3. 2017年1月1日 · The main building, or honkan, at Sekizenkan was built in 1691, making this the oldest existing onsen hotel in Japan. There are actually three hotel buildings of varying ages making up Sekizenkan, with the honkan connected to the secondary Sanso Building (built 1936) via an eerie tunnel that inspired the connection between the human and spirit worlds in Spirited Away.

  4. Lynn 2023年6月21日 更新. 世界遺產 海灘 鹿兒島 九州地區. 2021年7月的第44屆世界遺產大會上,日本奄美大島、德之島、沖繩島北部及西表島被聯合國教科文組織世界遺產委員會批准作為自然遺產列入《世界遺產名錄》。. 本篇就來介紹下奄美大島的好地方!. 奄美 ...

  5. 2016年12月1日 · 「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦」是第一間榮獲米其林肯定的日本拉麵店,在2015年當時造成了不小轟動,蔦的佳績並沒有就此完結,米其林那些挑剔的評論家們再度暗訪「蔦」後,2016年蔦晉身為米其林一顆星級的店家了。 既然拉麵店也能摘星,那這股勢頭看來是無法阻擋的了。 這篇我文章我們不談「蔦」,而是要來談談日本第二家被授予米其林評價的擔擔麵專門店「鳴龍拉麵」。 一起來看看鳴龍的特色吧! http://en.rocketnews24.com/2016/12/01/second-ramen-restaurant-in-tokyo-receives-michelin-star-for-2017/ 鳴龍拉麵的招牌品項「擔擔麵」原型雖為四川料理,卻在日本擁有超高人氣。

  6. 2022年7月11日 · On the second day, the mikoshi portable shrines are prepared and leave their districts in a procession 3,000 strong. The event starts later in the day, around 3:30 p.m., but the parade only reaches the bank of the Okawa River around 6:00. Then all the mikoshi and floats are boarded onto some 100 boats and the parade continues on the water!

  7. 2017年10月16日 · Life in Japan for a Trans Woman. AAJ Editorial Team Updated October 16, 2017. LGBT Life in Japan FAQ. Discussions around sexual and gender rights are becoming more and more prevalent in Japan, and transgender rights are right at the center.

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