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  1. 1. 了解您的所需. 了解自己於此等時刻所需要的教育基金金額。 於計算所需金額時,切勿忘記將通脹因素列入考慮之列。 2. 及早計劃. 建立每月所需儲存金額及預計投資期。 若及早開始計劃,可確保您能以較少金錢就可達到所需目標。 3. 選用可供選擇的理財方案. 香港家長均希望分配45% 1 儲備作為子女教育基金,因此作出任何投資決定時,理應考慮到時間周期及風險等問題。 我們一般建議採用多元化投資方案,避免將投資或儲蓄全放於同一資產上。 4. 確保教育基金獲得保障. 即使發生不幸事故如身故,都確保您和您的家人得到完備的保障,而您的教育經費亦會保持完好無損。 確保教育基金不會受到意外影響之重要性不小。 您子女之學業不應受到任何意外或不幸事故如身故所影響。 5. 管理及監控.

  2. The lessons of the Finland education experience. 1. Perhaps it’s due in part to the country’s unique culture, but the Finland experience has shown that a decentralised, liberal approach to education can foster students’ self-discipline and encourage them to find answers on their own. 2.

  3. A long-term savings insurance plan which offers flexibility in policy management with 9 currencies, allowing you adapt to your changing financial goals. HSBC HK. Insurance. Savings and retirement. Eminent Goal Multi-currency Insurance Plan. Open up to future possibilities with multi-currency insurance.

  4. Title report Author Neil Tierney Keywords PUBLIC Created Date 20181023110056Z

  5. Handling your finances like the experts. It's never too early to think ahead. Get a head start on your financial well-being today so you're prepared for whatever tomorrow brings. HSBC HK. Entering the workforce.

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