雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月16日 · Discussions around sexual and gender rights are becoming more and more prevalent in Japan, and transgender rights are right at the center. We were fortunate to talk with Selina Provias, who came out as transgender and underwent hormone therapy in Japan, to learn about her experiences and how they have affected her work and personal life here.

  2. 2022年4月25日 · 根據日本矢野經濟研究所調查資料指出, 2020至2021年日本的Femtech市場規模從597.8億日圓擴大至635億日圓,美國市調公司CB Insights也預測,直到2025年日本的Femtech市場將急速擴張至5兆5000億日圓。 Femtech是Female(女性)與Technology(科技) 的合稱,最初是2012年共同創立經期管理App「Clue」的丹麥女性創業家Ida Tin所提出的詞彙,指的是利用科技來改善不同人生階段中與女性身體相關課題,其重點為重視女性的健康與需求。 而Femcation是Female(女性)とEducation(教育)的合稱,指的是針對女性身體議題之相關知識教育的普及活動。 ©PIXTA. 那麼,為何女性生理議題會如此重要呢?

  3. 2017年7月4日 · Innovation. > Hot Concepts. Touching Commercial Highlights Japanese LGBT+. SoraNews24 Updated July 4, 2017. Video LGBT Japanese Commercials. www.youtube.com. Rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have seen improvements in Japan, with same-sex couples recognized by Sapporo and a few wards in Tokyo.

  4. 2017年10月16日 · LGBT+ Groups & Activities in Japan. Jackie Talken Updated October 16, 2017. Events LGBT FAQ. As visibility for the LGBT+ community is growing around Japan, so are the number of groups that promote awareness.

  5. 2018年2月15日 · Japan's 1st Transgender Man Elected to Office. On March 12, voters in the city of Iruma, Saitama Prefecture, went to the polls to elect the members of their city council. Among their options for representation was Tomoya Hosoda, a young politician who was campaigning openly as a transgender man. The votes have now been tallied, and Hosoda was ...

  6. 2017年5月3日 · Matsuko Deluxe (マツコ・デラックス) is a famous Japanese TV host and writer known for his cross-dressing persona, marked by long dresses and blunt commentary. He is also a well-known LGBT+ symbol, never shying away from speaking out in defense of homosexuality. Before standing in front of the camera, he worked as a journalist and ...

  7. 2019年11月8日 · 1. 整体外观. 先说最好理解的部分,外观。 通过上图,我们可以清楚的看出男女版和服在外观上的分别。 颜色. 女版和服通常颜色显眼,可供选择的种类也比较多。 女版在色系上主要以红色,粉红,或紫色为主。 相反,男版和服颜色则相对比较深沉内敛,靛蓝,藏青,褐色或黑色都是不错的主流之选。 图案. 男版和服通常是无图案的素衣,就算有的话,最多也只有彰显下家纹(日本传统中一些尊贵的大家族都有各自历代相传的独有印记),而女版和服自然就有着数不尽的款式咯! 在图案的选择上,女版和服更多是与自然风物相关,其中,花鸟图案最有人气。 比如4月春日的艳阳天,为了突出季节感,樱花花瓣与粉色系配在一起的和服,就很能体现女性的柔美与可爱吧。 样式.

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