雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. MACAU. Hong Kong Avenue of Stars is a 440m long promenade with over 100 plaques (hand imprint) of celebrities, opera-stars, scriptwriters and movie directors.

  2. MACAU. Hong Kong Avenue of Comic Stars opens its gate at Kowloon Park to commemorate Hong Kong’s comic artists and comic characters on September 28th , 2012.

  3. 從2012年12月16日至2013年3月31日,香港藝術館 將舉辦世界級藝術家安迪沃霍爾(Andy Warhol)的“十五分鐘的永恆”作品巡回展。是次展覽將展出這位偉大藝術家多達370幅作品。 本次展覽作為安迪沃霍爾最大的亞洲展覽,按照他不同時期的作品分為四個展區,涵蓋他1950-80年代多幀繪畫,手稿,攝影 ...

  4. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Hong Kong popular Canto-Pop legend and movies star Anita Mui Yim Fong's statue on Avenue of Stars was unveiled in Tsim Sha Tsui.

  5. Finally, Hong Kong most famous must-see attraction Avenue of Stars reopens again. Visit Bruce Lee statue and learn about famous actors, singers & superstars

  6. 香港麗思卡爾頓酒店在環球貿易廣場正式開業。 位於第118層的Ozone酒吧是目前香港最高的酒吧,你可以享受無與倫比的維多利亞港的景色。

  7. Yuen Po Street Bird Garden or Bird Market is a hidden gem of Hong Kong to experience unique culture and life. Bird lovers walk their songbirds in traditional bamboo birdcages.