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    • 1. [Sports] the high jump; the flying jump

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  2. 現今採用的背越式跳高技術由美國運動員迪克·福斯貝里( Dick Fosbury )發明,他在1968年參加墨西哥城奧運會時以這種技術跳越2.24米(7英尺4.25英寸),赢得金牌。背越式跳高技術也被以他的姓氏命名為「福斯貝里跳」,目前被幾乎所有的頂尖跳高運動員採

  3. [tiàogāo] 名. high jump. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. 查看相关内容. 在其他语言中. 跳高. 英式英语: high jump / ˈhaɪ ˌdʒʌmp / NOUN. The high jump is an athletics event which involves jumping over a raised bar. 美式英语: high jump / ˈhaɪ ˌdʒʌmp / 阿拉伯语: قَفْزٌ عَالٍ. 巴西葡萄牙语: salto em altura. 简体中文: 跳高. 克罗地亚语: skok uvis. 捷克语: skok vysoký.

  4. noun [ S ] uk / ˈhaɪ ˌdʒʌmp / us / ˈhaɪ ˌdʒʌmp /. Add to word list. Add to word list. a sport in which competitors try to jump over a bar supported on two poles. The height of the bar is gradually raised and the winner is the person who jumps highest without knocking the bar off the poles. 跳高运动.

  5. 跳高 是一種 田賽 競技活動。. 又稱 急行跳高 。. 由有節奏的助跑、單腳起跳、騰空過桿與落地等動作組成,以其最後成功地越過橫桿上緣的高度計算成績並以此判定名次。. 跳高運動最初起源於 英國 ,是從 體操 項目中派生出來的。. 1864年,英國首先將跳高 ...

  6. 跳高】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:high jump跳高;。漢英詞典提供【跳高】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  7. What is the translation of "跳高" in English? cn. volume_up. 跳高 = en. volume_up. high jump. Translations Pronunciation Translator Phrasebook open_in_new. CN. "跳高" in English. volume_up. 跳高 [tiào ɡāo] EN. volume_up. high jump. volume_up. 跳高 [tiàogāo] {noun} EN. volume_up. jumping. high jump. volume_up.

  8. 跳高. British English: high jump / ˈhaɪ ˌdʒʌmp / NOUN. The high jump is an athletics event which involves jumping over a raised bar. American English: high jump / ˈhaɪ ˌdʒʌmp / Arabic: قَفْزٌ عَالٍ. Brazilian Portuguese: salto em altura. Chinese: 跳高. Croatian: skok uvis. Czech: skok vysoký. Danish: højdespring. Dutch: hoogspringen.

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