雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2015年10月20日 · On October 1, 2015, Japan established the Japan Sports Agency to promote sports and take a comprehensive approach to its administrative policy. Highlighting Japan spoke with Daichi Suzuki, commissioner of the Japan Sports Agency and 1988 Seoul Olympics 100-meter backstroke gold medalist, and asked him about the development of sports policy in ...

  2. 首先,為了能租到,需要「在日能夠使用的機動車駕駛證」。. (護照及國際駕照或護照及本國駕照和既定的日語翻譯文等)。. 如果在各機場窗口辦理租的話,營業所較遠的情況下會為您提供接送。. 如果是在車站辦理的話,您必須自己去營業所。. 所以 ...

  3. 2017年3月16日 · Tokyo Marathon: From Start to Finish. Held every February, the Tokyo Marathon has joined the ranks of the Berlin Marathon and the Boston Marathon as one of the World Marathon Majors. Having just begun in 2007, now less than 10 percent of applicants are able to participate, selected by lottery. Here I'd like to share a few photos taken while I ...

  4. 2016年11月28日 · 2015年3月27日早上8点,整修后的姬城开始向公众开放,无数游客竞相前来目睹姬城的新风采。. 开城时间:. 9:00~16:00(4月下旬至8月的期间里,闭城时间为17:00). 休城日. 12月29日,30日. 地址:. 姫市本町68. 交通:. 从姫站往徒歩15分,巴士5分.

  5. 伴隨著連接日本本島與北海道的青函隧道於1988年開通後,往返於東京上野與北海道札幌的臥鋪列車北斗星,不僅能讓乘客一邊搭車一邊欣賞沿途的風景,內備有的浴室、廁所以及可完全平躺的臥鋪,更為從日本本州搭夜行列車到北海道帶來了一股風潮。. 1999年 ...

  6. 2016年1月12日 · The Train that Wouldn't Quit in 2015. A tiny train station in Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island, made national news when it was revealed that its only regular visitor was a high school student who used the local train service to commute to and from school every day. The station where high school student Kana Harada boards the train is Kyu ...

  7. 2016年8月5日 · Official Japanese Ghostbusters Theme. Fall Out Boy and Missy Elliott aren't the only ones reworking Ray Parker Jr.'s iconic Ghostbusters theme song. With Paul Feig's 2016 Ghostbusters reboot set to open in Japan on August 11, Sony Pictures Japan released its own cover of the classic track on June 28. The video features popular comediennes ...