雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年7月6日 · Historical. Japan's 12 Most Famous Samurai. Michael Kanert Updated July 6, 2022. Samurai. en.wikipedia.org. Japan's most famous samurai largely emerged from its two most significant feudal conflicts: the Genpei War (1180-1185) and the last years of the Warring States Period (1467-1590).

  2. 2017年10月15日 · Michael Kanert Updated October 15, 2017. Samurai Sports Events Video Extreme Sports Tokyo Greater Tokyo. https://vimeo.com/151492638. Ever wondered who would win in a fight of knights versus samurai? At the Japan Armored Battle League (JABL), you can finally find out!

  3. 2023年8月30日 · In fact, the Battle of Sekigahara is known as the largest battle in Japan’s feudal history, with an estimated 150,000 samurai warriors taking part. Despite the scale, however, the battle didn’t even last a day. Many of the warlords that belonged to Mitsunari’s camp had actually made secret agreements with Ieyasu.

  4. 2017年11月2日 · The Iga ninja originated in Iga Province in the area around the towns of Iga and Ueno in Mie Prefecture. The Iga ninja trained in ninjutsu (the art of stealth) in the local mountains and forests, honing their secret art and skills over many centuries. These ninja were trained in the arts of disguise, escape, concealment, explosives, poison ...

  5. 2022年3月16日 · Five Women Warriors from Japanese History. Hiroko Yoda Updated March 16, 2022. Samurai Life in Japan. Samurai, street fighters, and shamanesses--Japan has its share of fighting women over the centuries. Here are five of the country's most celebrated warriors.

  6. 2020年6月8日 · 忍者是日本特有的一种职业,简单的解释就是在古代日本一种受过特殊机构施以特殊“忍术训练”而产生出来的特战杀手、特战间谍。 仅仅从【忍者】这一称呼上是不是瞬间脑补了很多帅气的画面? 那么真正的忍者究竟是怎样的一群人呢? 他们的身上藏着什么样的秘密呢? 请跟着文章来走进忍者的神秘世界吧! 秘密其一:忍者名称的起源. 据说在日本首次派遣忍者完成任务的是圣德太子。 当时的忍者普遍被称为”忍“(shinobi)。 但各个时代各个地区忍者的称谓都有所不同。 飞鸟时代称之为”志能便“(shinobi),奈良时代称之为”斥候“,战国时代则叫法更多,其中广为流传的是”乱波“…… 直到江户时代”忍者“才被定为正式的称谓。 - baike.baidu.com. 秘密其二:忍者的真正工作.

  7. 2017年10月14日 · The 4 Most Powerful Clans of Early Japan. Thomas Shiozaki Updated October 14, 2017. Samurai. The Heian Period (794-1185) saw Japan's capital return from Nara to Kyoto, where the imperial court flourished. Politics were dominated by four clans: the Minamoto, the Tiara, the Fujiwara and the Tachibana, known collectively as Gem-pei-to-kitsu (源平藤橘).

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