雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年1月20日 · 高松的迴遊式大名園林「栗林公園」 在名勝庭園體會「一步一景」 欣賞如詩般的美景 日本園林造景文化獨一無二,其中四國香川縣高松市的栗林公園是其中一個國家指定的特別名勝,面積約為75公頃,是所有指定為特別名勝的庭園中最大的一座。

  2. 乙女之淚瀑布自然漫遊:自然嚮導陪您散步到乙女之淚瀑布 「乙女之淚瀑布」是能輕鬆享受知床豐富大自然的景點。 放慢腳步,一邊走過單程 1 公里的步道,一邊品味大自然。不論年幼的小孩或長輩都適合,是段可輕鬆同遊的知床入門行程。

  3. 從日本西部前往橫濱,最快的鐵路路線是在新橫濱站停站的希望號新幹線。 從名古屋出發,車程需要大約 1 小時 25 分鐘,從京都和大阪出發,則大約 2 小時;從廣島出發,需要大約 3 小時 40 分鐘。 乘搭京急鐵路線從羽田機場到達橫濱站,單程大約 20 分鐘,而乘搭機場接駁巴士需要 30 分鐘。 乘搭成田特急列車和接駁巴士,從成田機場到達橫濱站,單程大約 90 分鐘。 享受橫濱式購物和餐飲. 橫濱有數不勝數的餐廳,提供種類繁多的美食和琳琅滿目的購物選擇,讓你目不暇給。 中餐愛好者可以仔細探索 橫濱中華街 上,多達 300 家的餐廳。 中華街夜景. 元町 擁有多種多樣的餐廳和精品店,國內外的美食佳飲、商品和服務應有盡有。 元町街景. 到此不妨參觀位在最北邊的 麒麟啤酒橫濱工廠 ,暢飲免費啤酒。

  4. The official site of Japan National Tourism Organization is your ultimate Japan guide with tourist information for Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Hokkaido and other top Japan holiday destinations. We offer travel information to make your Japan travel more

    • 逆天奇案二結局1
    • 逆天奇案二結局2
    • 逆天奇案二結局3
    • 逆天奇案二結局4
    • Late Spring (1949) - Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture
    • Tokyo Story (1953) - Tokyo & Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture
    • Seven Samurai (1954) - Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture
    • Ran (1985) - Handa Kogen, Oita Prefecture

    Set in the coastal town of Kamakura, Yasujiro Ozu's 'Late Spring' (晩春, Banshun)is a prime example of the era's many poignant 'Shomingeki' (庶民劇), a genre that deals with the ordinary daily lives of working class and middle class people of modern times. The film is centred around the notion of filial piety: Noriko (Setsuko Hara), the female protagoni...

    Arguably the most renowned of Yasujiro Ozu's brilliant Shomingeki is 'Tokyo Story' (東京物語, Tokyo Monogatari). Again featuring the masterful Setsuko Hara and Chishu Ryu as two of the protagonists, the film tells the story of an aging couple who travel - in the days before the Shinkansen mind you! - all the way from the port town of Onomichi in Hirosh...

    Who can deny the profound success of Akira Kurosawa's 'Seven Samurai' (七人の侍, Shichinin no Samurai)? Over 60 years on this cult-classic is still synonymous with the best of Japanese cinema, if not the world, and an excellent looking glass into the tragic, dog-eat-dog world of feudal Japan. The story takes place in 1586during the Sengoku (戦国, Warring...

    Another Akira Kurosawa masterpiece is 'Ran' (乱, Ran). Inspired by William Shakespeare's 'King Lear', the film tells the tale of aging Sengoku-period warlord Hidetora Ichimonji (Tatsuya Nakadai) who abdicates in favour of his three sons: their loyalty however soon transforms into treachery, resulting in a story of division and conflict. The film is ...

  5. 透過數位藝術觀賞栩栩如生的愛努族傳說. 在 Kamuy Lumina 夜行中探索阿寒湖的神秘森林。. Kamuy Lumina 是一項令人興奮的互動式體驗,融合了當地民俗、數位藝術,以及當地自然美景。. 這趟夜行路程約 1.2 公里,可在途中觀賞並體驗愛努族傳說:「貓頭鷹與橿鳥的 ...

  6. Sumo wrestlers and bull owners, who compete in their own form of wrestling, are quite popular on Dogo Island, and use the water in purification rituals before a competition. To the right of Dangyo Shrine is the male waterfall, Odaki, cascading 40 meters from an overhanging cliff.