雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 通渠-翻译为英语-例句中文| Reverso Context. 在英语中翻译"通渠" 通. call phone pass connect circular. 渠. Canal trench ditch. plumber. 她去喝可怕的通渠水. She drank drain cleaner which is terrible. 我一怒之下,就将通渠水掉下楼了. I threw the acids out of anger. 劲过曾近荣! 开锁、通渠、学瑜珈一个App搞掂晒! 《苹果日报》 Look for a locksmith, plumber, yoga teacher all in one single APP - Apple Daily.

  2. How To Say ""通渠"" In 45 Languages. Hungarian duguláselhárítás. Korean 배관. Castilian Spanish la fontanería. Japanese はいかん. French la plomberie. Mandarin Chinese 管道. Italian le tubature. German die Rohrleitungen.

  3. 通渠工英文翻譯: leading sewerman…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋通渠工英文發音英文單字怎麽用英語翻譯通渠工通渠工的英語例句用法和解釋

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  5. a long, thin stretch of water that is artificially made either for boats to travel along or for taking water from one area to another: The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 巴拿馬運河是連接大西洋和太平洋至關重要的航道。 高架. aqueduct uk / ˈæk.wə.dʌkt/ us / ˈæk.wə.dʌkt/ noun.

  6. Many translated example sentences containing "high pressure water jetting" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations. 包括經過專門訓練的特別儀器的應用和符合資格的專業人員從事 務、 水務 的 檢測 修補 、管 道 高壓 水 清洗 通渠 (HPWJ)、閉路電視 (CCTV) 管道檢測、點對點筒內壁修補、全條筒內 ...

  7. Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction. 排水 noun () drainage n (often used) drain n. drains pl. See also: 排水 n — drainage n. ·. sewerage n. 排水 — drain. 水渠 n — drainage n. ·. drains pl. 水渠 — canal. See more examples • See alternative translations. See alternative translations. © Linguee Dictionary, 2024. External sources (not reviewed)

  8. 2023年6月23日 · Chinese [ edit] go through; know well; to connect. go through; know well; to connect; to communicate; open. big; stream or canal; drain. big; stream or canal; drain; ditch. trad. (通渠) . .

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