雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 邦民香港的優勢 - 值得信賴 邦民香港是日本三大的大型銀行集團之一:三井住友金融集團(SMFG)的集團成員。 作為集團的海外子公司,邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司貫徹集團的服務理念,致力提供適合的財務支援以及靈活的私人貸款方案,與客戶建立信賴關係,成為客戶理想的財務好幫手。

  2. 邦民貸款 網上即時知道初步批核結果瞬間過數 ^ 之餘,申請時免卻繁複文件 # ,更設有彈性還款期,貸款輕鬆到手! 客戶亦可自由選擇私人貸款的還款年期及金額。 更重要的是,邦民利息以 日息計算 ,利息只會計算到全數清還當日,毋須繳付任何手續費,可見邦民貼心為客戶著想。 邦民 是您解決財務困難的貼心之選! 信用卡找數規則您真的了解嗎? 原來提早還清信用卡分期計劃不一定能夠節省金錢,反而有可能需要支付額外手續費,欲知更多詳情請瀏覽邦民日本財務網頁。

  3. 負面信貸紀錄影響評分. 即使只遲了一日繳交卡數,遲繳付的卡數可能會在信貸紀錄中顯示,影響 信貸評級 ,令申請人難以申請貸款或按揭,或到真正需要時,難以通過其他貸款批核。 然而,即使已準時還卡數,但欠款額仍然沒有全數還清,例如只繳交了 min pay,仍然會影響信貸評級。 3. 影響個人發展及生活. 一直拖欠卡數,會給人造成心理、經濟壓力,從而影響日常生活質素。 同時某些性質的職業,如金融業、執法部門、護衛公司等,會參考求職者的信貸報告去了解其財政狀況、理財能力,此時信貸評分的高低還會直接影響求職的成功率。 總結而言,拖欠卡數有機會引致龐大的卡數利息及手續費等額外支出,容易對個人財政狀況帶來負面影響,造成很大的心理及經濟壓力。

  4. Can Making an Early Repayment of Credit Card Instalment Plan Help Saving Money? Understanding 3 Common Myths of Credit Card Repayment Many people may try to apply personal loan, overdraft credit card, and credit card instalment in order to solve their urgent needs of cash flow. ...

  5. If you would like to improve your Personal Credit Rating, please take note of below Five Key Points: Pay your bills on time. Do not apply too many credit cards/personal loans in a short period of time. Build up a positive credit Record. Do not rely on one credit card only. Regularly review personal spending habits.

  6. Common Misconceptions about Loans Some people think that they are not eligible to apply for a loan with credit card debt or an existing loan, but that is not the case! As long as you have a good repayment record and credit score, you can still get a loan approved.

  7. Online Enquiry. Promise’s branches are all over Hong Kong, including Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, etc. Find your local branch now. Call our hotline at 31991199 or apply online.