雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Handling small estate. If the deceased’s entire estate in HKSAR as at the date of death does not exceed HKD50,000 in total, and the deceased does not hold any property as a trustee or as the manager of a Tso or Tong, a 'Confirmation Notice' may be applied for instead of the Grant of Representation. Applying for the Confirmation Notice is ...

  2. HSBC HK. Help. Bereavement. Notifying us. You can notify HSBC of the death after obtaining the Death Certificate of the deceased. All you need to do is to visit one of our HSBC branches with the original or certified copy of Death Certificate of the deceased.

  3. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

  4. 首先,您需要领取亲人的死亡证明书,并将该证明书连同其他补充证明文件提供给我们,我们便可向您提供已故客户名下的汇丰账户截至去世当日的结余纪录。 之后您可根据遗产规模,安排申领授予承办书或确认通知书。 收到您的处理指示及证明文件后,我们将安排发放账户结余。 我们建议您亲临分行前先浏览 丧亲指引 ,该指引中载有您需要采取的步骤及我们可为您提供的支援等实用资讯。 在亲人去世后,我如何通知银行,并领取已故客户账户的结余? 您需要携同以下文件亲临 任何一间汇丰香港分行 。 已故客户的死亡证明书正本或核证副本. 已故客户的身分证明文件正本. 查询账户结余的申请人的身分证明文件正本. 查询账户结余的申请人与已故客户之间的关系证明文件正本,例如结婚证明书,父母/子女的出生证明书.

  5. 我是遺產代理人,在親人去世後,我應採取甚麼行動? 我們對此深表遺憾。首先,您需要領取親人的死亡證明書,並將該證明書連同其他補充證明文件提供給我們,我們便可向您提供已故客戶名下的滙豐戶口截至去世當日的結餘紀錄。

  6. Sorting out HSBC accounts. To move money out of the deceased’s accounts with HSBC. We try to keep this as simple as possible but there are some processes that we must follow. Therefore, to help you understand what to expect, we have summarised what would probably happen for different types of product or service held with us.

  7. Handling an estate Anyone responsible for dealing with the estate is generally known as a ‘Personal Representative‘, who will either be the ‘executor‘ or ‘administrator‘ depending on whether there is a Will. • If there is a Will, this person will be named as the ‘executor‘. ...

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