雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 伴隨著連接日本本島與北海道的青函隧道於1988年開通後,往返於東京上野與北海道札幌的臥鋪列車北斗星,不僅能讓乘客一邊搭車一邊欣賞沿途的風景,車內備有的浴室、廁所以及可完全平躺的臥鋪,更為從日本本州搭夜行列車到北海道帶來了一股風潮。. 1999年 ...

  2. Miyuki Seguchi returned to her home region of central Japan after spending some time in the UK and Tokyo and travelling around many parts of the world. She loves learning about the best of Japan from locals directly and discovering Japan’s regional characteristics. She helps inbound travellers create their unique travel experience in Japan ...

  3. 2022年10月24日 · 2022年9月30日,日本知名时装品牌ISSEY MIYAKE时隔两年再次来到了巴黎举办他们的春夏系列发布会。ISSEY MIYAKE绝对是喜欢时尚的中国人最熟悉的日本时尚品牌之一。哪怕是对于这串英文不甚了解的人,也应该听过它的中文名——“三宅一生”,再不济,也起码曾在街上看到过ISSEY MIYAKE最经典的一款包。

  4. 2017年1月26日 · 10 Japanese Business Etiquette Rules. There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before ...

  5. 2016年6月28日 · Following in the footsteps of ukiyo-e artist Hiroshige who created One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, Tsuchimochi began illustrating 100 Views of Tokyo. As of July 2016, he's completed his 100th view, effectively bringing closure to his project. Looking back on the project, each is a unique work of art, inspired by ukiyo-e but produced with a ...

  6. 位於祇園巽橋的「花み津 (HANAMITSU)」是間讓人能夠悠閒地享受京都風情的町家咖啡,店門口掛著藝妓的手繪海報與紅色的小燈籠,深咖啡色的木圍籬與拉門讓來往的遊客都會停留多看幾眼。. 店內有著咖啡、茶飲等,可搭配起司烤土司、三明治等輕食,或是咖哩 ...

  7. 2016年3月14日 · 可以称得上是设计师三宅一生的”究极的一本“的大型刊物——「Issey Miyake 三宅一生」,将由德国出版社TASCHEN于4月开始发行。这本书收录了所有三宅一生所设计的充满诗情的服装以及其亲手参与的工作内容。同时登场的还有限定1000本的粉丝收藏版。

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