雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 拿斯尼 拿斯尼父母由阿爾及利亞移居法國,加上腳法細膩及突破力強,出道初期曾被視為法國球王施丹接班人,又被阿仙奴領隊雲格形容為昔日球會英雄皮利斯的繼承者,但由於要遷就其他隊友,08年離開馬賽加盟兵工廠後,多數出任翼,只能夠間中頂替隊長法比加斯出任進攻中場,因而發揮受到 ...

  2. 馬隆達 00年至03年效力甘岡期間,曾經與杜奧巴做隊友,隨後效力里昂4個球季,07年轉投車路士,最初並非得到絕對信任,直至近2季上陣機會大增,上季在新領隊安察洛堤帶領下,更大爆發連盃賽上陣50場攻入15球,並且與杜奧巴再次擦出火花,成為目前車路士線上最具破壞力的攻擊武器。

  3. 倫敦最強打比 繼續一面倒? 英超倫敦球會當中,近年以車路士及阿仙奴實力最強,每次碰頭例必鬥個你死我活,車路士在富豪班主阿布入主後,躋身成為歐洲頂級球會,阿仙奴則在領隊雲加帶領下,成為聯賽中踢法最悅目球會。

  4. 由於前鋒巴洛迪利、後衛謝路美保定、高拉洛夫養傷,翼大衛施華未能融入球隊,曼城今季用1億4,500萬歐元收購的6名球星,預計只得中場耶耶托尼及占士米拿會在今仗正選上陣,加上原有的中堅尼史葛及左閘布歷治未傷癒,賽前領隊文仙尼表示,現時陣中得

  5. HK’s disabled atHletes stRiKe gOld Review of Operations 業務回顧38 Reaching the London 2012 Paralympics was never going to be an easy task, and suddenly it looked even more daunting for Hong Kong’s boccia players when at the last minute, Malaysia

  6. The Cathay Pacific International Trials in November were opened up to overseas horses for the first time, but it was the local stars who stole the lime- light in the run-up to December’s main event. Collection, ridden by Weichong Marwing, started the fanfare by winning the Cup Trial, then seven days later Fellowshipunder Zac Purton took out ...

  7. Hong Kong shows East Asia it can “Be the Legend” History was made from 5 to 13 December 2009 when Hong Kong successfully hosted its first-ever international multi-sports event, the 5th East Asian Games – and once again, The Hong Kong Jockey Club

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