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  1. 在填寫報稅表前,請先準備由保險公司發出的相關保費支付證明文件,例如合資格延期年金保單年度摘要或副本,以方便填報資料。 填寫報稅表. 當您填寫報稅表「合資格年金保費及可扣稅強積金自願性供款」這一部分,即第10部,當中的2a是為自己繳付的合資格年金保費, 2b是為配偶繳付的合資格年金保費。 如您有為自己,甚至配偶繳付合資格年金保費,便可在此欄填上所繳付的供款,申請扣稅的保單數目不限,惟每名納稅人的最高扣除額為港幣60,000元。 同為納稅人的夫婦可自由分配合資格延期年金保費作稅務扣除,但他們須剔除對方已申請扣除的同一筆款項。

  2. 解讀. 貸款能力: 銀行借審核借款人的財務及信貸狀況,確保其有足夠還款能力才能上會。 如果借款人的還款能力不足,可以加入多過一位借款人。 信貸紀錄: 如借款人本身有另一物業未供斷或仍在擔保其他物業按揭。 其按揭成數及供款佔入息比率會被削減。 借款人日後若為其他物業申請按揭,按揭成數亦會降低。 值得留意: 雖然抵押人通常是借款人,但從以上例子可見,兩者可以是不同的人。 不過即使抵押人(業主)不是借款人,銀行亦會視之為有按揭負擔,日後若想為另一個物業做按揭,按揭成數及供款佔入息比率計算都會受影響。 擔保人(Guarantor) = 為按揭提供擔保的人. 例子: Gigi的父母想買入新居安享退休生活,但收入不足難以申請按揭。 Gigi於是安排父母做業主 (抵押人+借款人),並加入她自己做借款人。

  3. 詳情. 聚富入息保障計劃. 助您於10年或15年的儲蓄期內累積財富,讓您於年金期內獲得每月年金金額,並將可於年金期開始,亦可讓您獲享更高的非保證終期紅利,助您實現個人願望。 詳情. 盈達年金計劃. 為您提供一項繳費期為3年,最早可於保單生效一年後就開始派發定期每月年金金額為期20年的年金保險計劃,更可選擇將每月年金金額存於計劃內積存生息,並附設人壽保險及意外死亡、末期疾病及失業的額外保障。 詳情. 上述產品特點、利益及風險內容受條款及細則約束,請參閱相關產品冊子、單張、保單,以了解詳情。 如有查詢,請聯絡您的客戶經理或到分行查詢。 您受滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司的信貸風險所影響。 滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司是於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司。 本公司為滙豐集團旗下從事承保業務的附屬公司之一。

  4. Borrower = The person responsible for the loan debt and for making payments. Example: Anson is getting married next year and wants to buy a new apartment in joint names with his fiancée. They will both be the owners (mortgagors) while Anson (also as borrower) will be responsible for repaying the mortgage. What this means: Borrowing capacity ...

    • Edward Moncreife
    • Professor Vivian Lou
    • Fiona Nott
    • Main report
    • Recommendations
    • Executive summary
    • Enabling independent living
    • Taking a holistic approach to overcoming barriers
    • To what extent do you find the following technologies to be helpful in assisting with care for the elderly?
    • Pamela Tin, head of healthcare and social development, Our Hong Kong Foundation
    • The elderly of the future
    • Pamela Tin, Our Hong Kong Foundation
    • Conclusion
    • Recommendations

    Hong Kong Chief Executive Oficer, HSBC Life (International) Limited “We believe that productive ageing is critical to the social and economic future of an ageing demographic metropolis such as Hong Kong. Public-private partnerships, which share this same vision, are critical to making this aspiration a reality. This is the fourth year of HSBC Life’...

    Director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong “Healthy ageing shall be understood from a life-course perspective, upon which advocating and empowering the optimised trajectory of healthy and productive ageing processes becomes one of the key focuses that deserve collective eforts by the government, non-government organisations and ...

    Chief Executive Oficer, The Women’s Foundation “With an ageing population, longer lifespans and better health, ensuring the financial security and mental wellbeing of populations aged over 50 is key in Hong Kong. This is particularly true for women, who tend to live longer than men and are more vulnerable to financial instability due to gender gaps...

    Pamela Tin, head of healthcare & social development, Our Hong Kong Foundation Vivian Lou, professor at the Department of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong; director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing Carl Johan Krokstäde, managing director, Doro Hong Kong

    Vivian Lou, professor at the Department of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong; director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing Fiona Nott, chief executive oficer, The Women’s Foundation

    With some of the longest life expectancies in the world, Hong Kong faces important questions around how older adults can be supported to continue to live productively and with dignity.1 Digital technologies have already enabled many seniors to live independently in the past, but their true worth became even more apparent during the covid-19 pandemi...

    Individuals transitioning from being entirely independent to being dependent on caregivers often report worsening mental and physical health due to the loss of agency or control.6 Digital tools ofer a way to overcome some of those drastic changes by empowering seniors to continue managing key aspects of their lives. For example, apps and platforms ...

    As the world continues to age rapidly, it’s never been more important to enable the adoption of digital services for older adults. The survey results have shown that at an individual level, older adults are more than willing to embrace digital services. However, more needs to be done to help them overcome the barriers they face.

    No extent Neutral Great extent Not applicable Remote monitoring (location tracking, smart home technologies) Apps that provide reminders for medication, health checks Digital wearables to keep track of health vitals Apps / online platforms to help manage the financial planning of elderly Apps that help keep in touch with family and/or friends Note:...

    or caring for an older person say that communica-tion apps are key to their work, while 63.9% find remote-monitoring technologies to be very useful. “It’s important to empower carers to not only teach seniors about technology, but also to understand how these tools can support their work,” says Dr Tin. She also emphasises that simply having a devic...

    It is also important to understand the role of technology in shaping the future cohort of older populations. With technological and scientific advances in society, younger generations, in general, will be better positioned to age in a way that makes them more productive. However, Dr Tin says “the multifaceted nature of active ageing at macro-, meso...

    generations are well equipped with knowledge, more needs to be done to facilitate the translation of knowledge to action to truly achieve productive ageing.”

    Ageing is a fact of life, and it’s becoming inevitable that society at large will soon have to grapple with the challenges posed by increasingly grey populations. Digital technologies have already undone many of the norms around ageing by significantly improving quality of life and health outcomes. Older people are more connected than ever but, as ...

    Improve cybersecurity: Fear of privacy breaches, fraud and other cybersecurity threats is high among all age groups in Hong Kong. Better app designs, ICT infrastructure, digital literacy and laws to tackle disinformation are key in driving a greater sense of security when engaging with the online world. Literacy eforts should be more targeted at wo...

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    Stock trading at your fingertips. HSBC HK Easy Invest app has been specially built for our Hong Kong customers *. You can trade securities instantly and get free market information including real-time quotes, news and market data in 3 major stock markets (Hong Kong, China A and US). Explore HSBC Easy Invest.

  6. 癌症資訊 | 癌症預防 | 香港滙豐. 癌症預防. 滙豐保險2017年《保障的力量 - 面向將來》香港報告發現,66%受訪的香港家庭經濟支柱沒有購買保險,以備罹患癌症等嚴重疾病時,得到資金照顧生活所需。 近八成供養家庭的受訪者更表示,若他們因嚴重疾病失去工作能力,其家人生活可能出現困難。 面對癌症,大部分患者都著眼於尋求效果更佳、副作用更小的治療良方,以提升存活率。 治療癌症固然重要,但及早預防及留意身體異常徵狀,亦是抗癌關鍵。 癌症的成因並沒有一個單一的答案,正確認識癌症是做好防癌工作的第一步。 遺傳因素在一定程度上影響個人患上某些癌症的風險,但更多是取決於生活習慣及環境因素。 以下是日常生活中預防癌症的建議*: 避免吸煙及減少飲酒; 培養健康飲食習慣; 恆常保持運動,並維持健康體重;

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