雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Bankruptcy Ordinance provides a legal framework to enable a debtor who is unable to repay his/her debts to file a bankruptcy petition against himself/herself with the court. The main objective of the bankruptcy legislation is: to collect and realise all the bankrupt’s assets and distribute them amongst his/her creditors; and to ...

  2. 破產申請 - 黃嘉錫律師事務所. 「破產條例」提供一個法律架構,以便一些無力償債的欠債人向法院自行提交破產呈請。 破產法例的主要目的是收集和變現破產人的全部資產,把其攤分給債權人; 調查無力償債的原因,懲罰違反破產法例條文規定的破產人。 破產亦可協助長期受債務壓力的人仕,以另一法例方法解決欠債狀況。 自2002年, 我們已處理超過 5,000 宗個人破產申請。 我們了解客戶的需要及所面對的困難,為客戶提供全面而周詳的法律服務及專業意見。 我們的服務包括: 1. 處理債務人的個人破產申請. 2. 處理債權人提出的債務人破產申請. 3. 申請法院確認於破產令頒布之前或之後的財產產權處置 (解凍令) 4. 提供有關破產程序的法律意見.

  3. 商業及公司法律服務 - 黃嘉錫律師事務所. 本所能為本地和國際客戶在處理香港和中國內地的各類商務事宜上提供相關的法律意見,包括: 僱傭關係. 租賃. 特許經營. 代理和經銷. 商品買賣. 技術轉讓. 代表客戶進行商業談判以達到商業目標.

  4. Mr. Leo Lok Consultant 。Solicitor of HKSAR 。Arbitrator of Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Centre 。Arbitrator of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission 。Civil Celebrant of Marriages 。China-Appointed Attesting Officer 。Notary Public

  5. Over the years, we have evolved from a law firm that specialized in debt restructuring and insolvency for companies and individuals into one that provides diversified and leading legal services in Hong Kong with our business areas covering China Attesting Services, notarial services, corporate legal services, business legal services, work injury...

  6. About Us. Since our establishment in 2001, our firm has been based in Hong Kong and is committed to providing quality and professional legal services. At present, we have three offices in Hong Kong, located in Central, Mong Kok and West Kowloon respectively. Over the years, we have evolved from a law firm that specialized in debt restructuring ...

  7. Jimmie K.S. Wong & Partner is a law firm based in Hong Kong, committed to providing the highest quality of legal service. We provide customers with innovative, effective and practical legal solutions and thereby we enjoy a good reputation in the legal field and

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