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  1. 2024年2月20日 · 此外還有成套販售的TOKYO STARTER KIT」(3,000日圓),內容包含72小時通票都營巴士一日券及外國人旅遊保險。 「TOKYO STARTER KIT套票亦包含治療費用補助醫療機構介紹口譯觀光指南災害資訊通報等多項服務可讓您更加方便安全

    • Minor Illness Or Injury
    • Illness Or Injury Requiring Immediate Attention
    • Traffic Accidents
    • AEDs
    • Travel Insurance

    Counselors from the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information group Himawari are on hand to respond to inquiries regarding medical institutions that provide treatment in foreign language or information on the medical system of Japan. Call 03-5285-8181 between the hours of 9:00 to 20:00 seven days a week. You can also check the Japan Nation...

    Make a call to the fire department on the emergency number 119 and say that you need an ambulance service.

    Call the police on 110. Make sure to note the time and place of the accident, the name, the phone number, and the license plate number of the other party. If you can't identify the place, ask the store nearby or a passerby. Make sure to consult a physician if you believe you have been injured, as any injury that seems minor at the site may lead to ...

    An AED is a medical device that helps restores regular heart rhythms by applying an electric shock. If the victim is unconscious and cannot breathe normally, use an AED. You can find them at airports, public transportation stations and large-scale commercial establishments—available for use by anyone.

    One way to give yourself peace of mind during your trip to Japan is to purchase travel insurance, specifically a plan that covers medical care. If you do sign up for a plan that includes medical care, make sure you bring your proof of insurance to Japan so you can present it to a medical care professional when necessary. It's best to sign up for yo...

  2. 東京新大谷飯店位於東京都心,是鄰近皇居的高級飯店。. 這裡擁有約1500間客房,為便於眺望景觀,多數房間採用從天花板至地板的全景落地窗。. 此飯店擁有多達37間餐廳與酒吧SPA等設施以及商店街醫療診所牙科診療所郵局等構成一間複合式設施 ...

  3. 都廳內值得參觀的地方很多。嘗試一下耗時40分鐘的都廳探險如何? 由東京都觀光志工提供英文導覽服務,為從國外造訪東京的外籍自由行旅客介紹都廳。

  4. 2023年9月19日 · 從流傳至今的傳統祭典到藝術、文化及當季美食相關活動,10月的東京有琳瑯滿目的活動供遊客體驗。 如果您是日本人氣宵夜——拉麵的粉絲,10月正是最佳時節,您可以前往舉辦到11月中旬的「東京拉麵秀」,品嚐日本各地的拉麵,細細體會其持續進化的湯頭風味。 而「東京大茶會」則是一項古雅 ...

    • 醫療門診保險1
    • 醫療門診保險2
    • 醫療門診保險3
    • 醫療門診保險4
  5. 2023年10月6日 · MODE學園蟲繭大廈是新宿最顯而易見的建築內有時尚IT醫療專科的學校這座以蟲繭為靈感設計的當代大廈位於新宿的高層大樓區卻又有別於其他建築只限學校相關人員和學生進入建築物內

  6. 2023年11月14日 · 關鍵詞. 戶外活動. 絕景. 絕美景點. 開放時間. 8:30~17:15. 週一週二週三週四週五週六週日國定假日. 公休日: 不定期公休. 費用. 現金. 費用依體驗內容而異. 設備服務. 廁所溫泉停車場. 日文英文. 關於營業時間、公休日、費用等最新資訊,請至官方網站查詢,或直接洽詢各設施。 奥多摩及附近景點. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 多摩地區 > 奥多摩及附近景點 >