雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 醫管局護士高級文憑 相關

  2. 課程配合業界最新發展,銜接本地/英國/澳洲等海外大學學士學位,就業率平均90%. 課程選擇涵蓋7大專業範疇,約100項課程選擇,全屬政府資助,銜接本地及海外大學


  1. 附近的药房 药店(药妆店) OTC医药品检索(只限英文) 在药、药妆店等能买到的药物(OTC医药品) ,可用英文按名称、适用部位、功效等进行检索。 有需要时,请咨询药剂师或登录贩卖者。 药剂师不在的时候,根据药物种类的不同,会有无法购买的情况发生。

  2. 訪日外國人患病、受傷時的主要聯繫方式. 疾病,受傷時,請確認以下內容後,搜索醫療機構諮詢窗口或接受治療的醫療機構。. 請與 中登載的您所在都道府縣的諮詢窗口聯繫。. ※在非開設時間,請與厚生勞動省新冠感染症諮詢窗口聯繫。. (0120-565-653). 請根據 ...

  3. I want to consult about medical treatment. Please contact the consultation service of the prefecture in which you are staying as listed in the links. *In times outside of regular opening hours, please contact the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare COVID-19 Call Center. (0120-565-653)

  4. Private medical insurance that you can purchase after entering Japan provides sufficient coverage during your stay, even for COVID-19. Coverage of up to 10 million yen that even covers expensive treatment. Includes interpretation services as well as medical institution referral and arrangement services. Coverage for COVID-19.

  5. JAPAN:the Official Guide. 为了您的安心之旅,. 我们强烈建议您购买一份. 保障充足的商业医疗保险*。. 在您出行前或抵达日本后都可以加入商业医疗保险*。. 让我们为旅途中可能会发生的意外受伤或疾病做好准备吧。. *包含赔偿停留期间医疗费用的旅行保险。.

  6. Created Date 10/29/2020 2:43:23 PM

  7. Created Date 12/24/2019 5:02:15 PM