雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Facing new era and new generation, the modern skills can help practitioners stand out and explore more business opportunities. Combining the tradition with modernity is a good move and can help estate agents become a better “5A” agent, i.e. with “Adherence”, “Ability”, “Accountability”, “Advancement” and “Affinity”.

  2. 遞交牌照申請. (1) 郵寄、親身或授權代表. - 申請人可以郵寄、親身或授權代表方式,將已填妥及簽署的牌照申請表格及有關費用遞交至監管局。 欲親身或授權代表到監管局辦事處遞交申請的申請人,請於網上預約系統進行預約。 (2) 網上申請 (只適用於個人牌照) - 個人牌照的申請人可透過「電子服務」於網上遞交牌照申請。 有關詳情請按此。 牌照申請表格可於此網頁下載或於監管局辦事處 (地址: 香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心26樓2601室) 索取。 由於監管局會不時更新牌照申請表格的內容,故申請人須以最新的版本提出牌照申請,否則監管局可能需額外時間處理有關申請。 如申請人向監管局提供了電郵地址,監管局則可透過電郵通知申請人其牌照申請的進度。 申請人可於下列情況收到電郵通知:

  3. The EAA welcomes new Chairman and Members. (30 October 2020) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Ms Elaine LIU Yuk-ling, JP (photo attached) to succeed Professor William LEUNG Wing-cheung, SBS, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 1 November 2020.

  4. www.eaa.org.hk › en-us › LicensingLicensing - EAA

    Anyone acting as a salesperson of an estate agent must also hold a valid licence. Failure to do so is an offence with a maximum penalty of 2 years of imprisonment and a fine of $500,000. There are two types of licences —a salesperson's licence and an estate agent's licence—with different requirements. Before carrying on estate agency ...

  5. 之後,買方律師會將贖回文件及轉讓契送交土地註冊處登記;及. 30. 收回已在土地註冊處註冊的文件後(通常須數個月時間),買方律師會將該等文件連同其他契據文件送交買方承按人保管。. 物業轉易的程序亦到此終止。. <<上一頁. (12) Conveyancing Practice and Procedure.

  6. www.eaa.org.hk › zh-cn › Licence-listLicence list - EAA

    牌照目录 此牌照目录旨在协助公众确认相关人士现时是否持有有效牌照及有关牌照的详情 (如有)。透过此牌照目录所得的资料不得被用作其他用途,使用者亦必须遵守所有相关法例。 本牌照目录并非《地产代理条例》第13条所指的登记册。此牌照目录载有现时持有有效牌照人士的资料。

  7. 03. 觀點視野. A PERSPECTIVE. The hottest topic among estate agents lately is possibly the news report of a man impersonating the vendor of a residential property and swindling a deposit of nearly three million dollars. This case has aroused much community concern and, of course, caught the EAA’s attention. It is clear that professional ...