雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 31 March 2017. Unaudited Quarterly Regulatory Disclosure. 31 December 2016. Detailed breakdown of capital components - Transition disclosures template. Countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) ratio standard disclosure template. Reconciliation between accounting and regulatory balance sheets. Leverage Ratio. Liquidity Coverage Ratio.

  2. Sustainable Savings Account is an account that allows you to contribute in sustainable development. Your Sustainable Balance will reference qualified green and sustainable activities funded by Standard Chartered. These activities include green financing, sustainable infrastructure projects, microfinance and access to finance for SMEs that ...

  3. FREE funds transfers to other local banks. Book Transfer (BT) FREE funds transfers to other SCB HK accounts. SERVICES. Email Beneficiary Advising Services. Send email notification to beneficiary. Fax Beneficiary Advising Services. Send fax notification to beneficiary. Online Treasury (OLT) Services.

  4. 2021年7月24日 · 1. 「全新客戶」為於開立「優先理財」當日前12個月內未曾持有渣打銀行(香港)有限公司(「本行」) 或由本行負責分銷之任何銀行產品或服務(包括但不限於存款戶口(若為聯名形式開立之戶口,除非全新客戶為該聯名戶口之基本戶口持有人,否則客戶不會被視為持有本行或由本行負責分銷之任何銀行 ...

  5. 1. 使用服务. 1.1. 若要使用服务,阁下必须 (a)是合资格户口的持有人或获授权运作合资格户口的人士 (以适用者為準);及 (b) 向本行交还正式填妥的电子月结单/电子通知书服务申请表或以本行不时规定或接受的其他方式,在本行登记使用服务,及採取本行通知阁下的一切必要的步骤以完成登记手续。 1.2. 阁下登记使用服务并经本行核证及接受后,只要已登记使用渣打网上理财/SC Mobile应用程式,阁下可透过渣打网上理财/SC Mobile应用程式浏览、打印及下载电子通讯,而且本行将不会再向阁下邮寄已打印的月结单/ 通知书,但就本行须提供已打印月结单/ 通知书的某些合资格户口除外。 1.3. 阁下收取电子通讯,在任何时候使用服务,都必须遵守「客户条款」。

  6. Mutual Recognition of Funds (MRF) between mainland China and Hong Kong is a scheme jointly launched by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). Under the scheme, eligible Mainland and Hong Kong funds can be distributed in each other’s market through a streamlined vetting process.

  7. 第2招:合資格延期年金. 研究指出退休預算應是現時每月開支的300倍 # ,才可以應付老年的醫療及生活開支 :就當現時每月開支HK$30,000,即是要有900萬存款…今年35歲的我,當我60歲退休,25年內要儲到這個天文數字,怎能臨退休才準備?. 透過渣打投保「保誠 ...