雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月23日 · Houston’s Yordan Alvarez might be the top left-handed hitter in Major League Baseball. Teammate Framber Valdez ranks among the best left-handed pitche 2024/04/23 05:30 盧永山 Houston’s Yordan Alvarez might be the top left-handed hitter in Major League ...

  2. 2024年4月14日 · A book from Egypt that was written at the dawn of Christianity and is considered one of the oldest books in existence will go up for auction in June i 中英對照讀新聞》One of the oldest books in existence expected to fetch over $2.6 million at auction 現存最古老書籍 ...

  3. 2024年4月20日 · 中英對照讀新聞》Children race to collect marshmallows dropped from a helicopter at a Detroit-area park孩子們在底特律地區一處公園爭相領取從直升機降落的棉花糖 美國密西根州最大城底特律郊區梓櫟郡公園上月29日舉行年度「棉花糖大降落」活動,與會孩童瘋搶

  4. 2024年4月18日 · 2024/04/18 05:30 孫宇青 Jessica Vincent had just started surveying the shelves of a Virginia thrift store when a vase caught her eye. It was shaped like a bottle and had ribbons of color, aqua green and amethyst purple, that spiraled up its glass surface like stripes

  5. 5 天前 · The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s accelerated approval program is meant to give patients early access to promising drugs. But how often do these

  6. 2024年4月8日 · 中英對照讀新聞》Trump allies, White House clash over Transgender Day 川普盟友與白宮因跨性別日發生衝突. 美國前總統川普的競選陣營不滿拜登宣告31日復活節當天為「跨性別者現身日」,稱此為對基督教的褻瀆與攻擊。. 圖為川普在總統任內的2019年4月出席在白宮舉行的 ...

  7. 2024年4月19日 · 遭前妻Keanna影射錄音室偷情做愛 謝和弦自爆對象是「她」 顏寬恒豪宅涉3罪皆不認罪 中檢聲明:顏是首謀與獲利者應加重量刑 軍情人員「單線領導」改為「團體協作」 軍情局內部炸鍋了! 「煙囪雲對流系統」現身!