雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. GPA Foreign Currency Exchange: Foreign Currency Delivery Services *Service is temporarily suspended. Get currency anywhere in Japan with no shipping or COD handling fees! 24/7 online checkout lets you get currency at your home or office from Japan Post by COD. GPA Foreign Currency Delivery website.

  2. Universal Design Service Facilities. This page provides information on services and facilities in Narita Airport.

  3. 2024年4月16日 · release date:2024-04-08 17:50(JST). Installation of Donation Boxes for the Taiwan Earthquake. This is the official Narita Airport website. It provides domestic and international flight information, airline information, access information, restaurant and shop information, and service and facility information.

  4. 服務・設施詳情 銀行/ 外幣兌換 查看一覽 有關銀行和貨幣兌換處地點的資訊可以在此頁面上找到。位置搜尋 用地圖查看位置 處理貨幣 各店舖的匯率有所不同,所以兌換時請務必到店鋪確認。 另外,各店所使用的貨幣也有所不同,因此請務必在網站或店 ...

  5. /en/jp/guide/service/list/svc_61/

  6. 提供成田國際機場內的貨幣兌換、錢、保險相關資訊。歐洲附加價值稅(VAT) 退還服務

  7. 提供成田国际机场的安全检查、出发・到达手续等信息。