雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Sun Hung Kai Credit proudly presents the first* Mortgage Payment Holiday# in Hong Kong – a scheme which allows you to choose to postpone any two monthly instalments every year during the loan period, there's no limit on the loan amount, no handling fee and no penalty charge! You can enjoy more flexibility and be better prepared for any ...

  2. 貸款額可高達物業估值七成半,立即使用貸款計算機,評估您的最高貸款額及計算您的每月還款額!本金須在貸款到期日一次性償還 每月供款只需還當月份利息 每月還款金額比一般還款方案輕鬆 貸款期內,每月只須嘗還利息,本金於貸款到期日歸還

  3. Yes, you can apply the First Mortgage Loan with a Title Deed, with no limitation on the age of property. With the quick and convenient application procedure, you can enjoy easy cash out with Sun Hung Kai Credit. 3. I have already got a First Mortgage Loan in a bank or financial institution, will Sun Hung Kai Credit accept my application for ...

  4. Progress. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Customer Services Hotline: 2996 2688. Fax: Enjoy a high LTV of up to 85% to meet your liquidity needs immediately. Apply for “Mortgage Fast Pass” now to enjoy HK$10,000 rewards!

  5. 盡享高達85%高成數按揭貸款,即時滿足周轉需要,立刻申請「樓按Fast Pass 」即獲HK$10,000獎賞! 樓按Fast Pass 以高成數物業貸款即時為你解決資金需要,最高可達按揭成數85%*,而且物業樓價不設上限*,現金迅速到手 。

  6. (a) I/We have entered into or signed any agreement with any person or company (“third party”) for or in relation to the procuring, negotiation, obtaining or application of the loan, guaranteeing or securing the repayment of the loan (other than an agreement with ...

  7. 自僱人士免入息證明及手續費 | 新鴻基信貸. 劉先生 - 咖啡店老闆. ——— 自僱人士只需簡單收入證明. 作為咖啡店老闆的劉先生是家中唯一經濟支柱,受2019新型冠狀病毒病疫情影響,收入銳減。 他希望透過銀行將時值7,200,000港元的已抵押物業加按,但由於收入減少及欠缺足夠的入息證明,申請即時被拒。 後來,劉先生的朋友推薦了新鴻基信貸,其利率較私人貸款更具競爭力,還款期亦較長。 在完成簡單的申請手續後,三天內便成功批出劉先生的300,000港元貸款申請。 提早還款免罰息、免手續費及律師費等計劃特點,有助劉先生即時紓緩經濟壓力。 * 以首12個月計算. (1) 假設私人貸款月平息為1.5%,實際年利率為32.06%; (2) 假設按揭貸款實際年利率為15%

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