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  1. AAJ編輯團隊 2022年2月9日 更新. 橫濱 神奈川 關東地區. 關東日本自由行人氣城市「橫濱」,想到這裡進行自由行卻又不知道該如何安排景點嗎?. 快收藏這篇由日 本橫濱旅遊達人推薦的橫濱10大必去景點,一口氣將橫濱的過去、現在與未來盡收眼底,保證絕對比 ...

  2. 東京有許多時尚、充滿品味的地區,其中代官山、惠比壽一帶更受到大家的推崇。雖然身在日本,但是街道卻散發出濃厚的歐式風情,惠比壽車站旁的惠比壽花園廣場,其周邊的建築設計、燈光巧思等營造出截然不同的東京氛圍。來到這裡有許多經典的人氣景點可以走訪,花園廣場、啤酒紀念館 ...

  3. 它是世界上第一座膠囊型集體住宅,日本建築界「代謝運動」的代表作品,由黑川紀章設計,1970年開建,翌年建成。 整棟建築高14層,由140個帶有獨立圓窗的膠囊單元堆疊而成,每個膠囊公寓寬2.5米,深4米,可拆卸組裝,裡面配備的設施可供一人入住生活。 不過這棟極具創意的建築因為種種複雜原因,年久失修,最後退出了歷史的屋台。 不過很多人並不知道的是,這並不是日本膠囊旅館的起點。 日本第一家膠囊旅館,是1979年2月1日在大阪東梅田開幕的「膠囊旅館大阪」。 也是由黑川紀章親自操刀設計,以最小的睡眠空間和高級飯店的服務為特色。 入住膠囊旅館大阪,一晚僅需1600日元,且還可以享受桑拿浴,一經開業就大受歡迎。 從此,膠囊旅館作為新的飯店形態在日本全國推廣開來。

  4. 2019年7月18日 · Rescue Dogs Brighten Up Nursing Home. These dogs used to live in shelters and needed a place to live. They found one—in a nursing home in Kanagawa Prefecture. And they brought smiles to the faces of the residents and staff. Lulu, Kurin and Tachi would have been euthanized if they were not adopted. Care homes generally do not allow pets due to ...

  5. 2019年4月8日 · By Train. Only 50 kilometers (about 31 miles) from Tokyo, getting to Kamakura is pretty easy from the metropolis or neighboring Yokohama. Using the JR Line, you'll need to hop on the Yokosuka Line, which passes through Tokyo, Shinjuku, Shibuya and Yokohama Stations, or the Shonan-Shinjuku Line.

  6. 2019年7月10日 · EVs for the Elderly. In an effort to curb the increasing number of traffic accidents involving senior drivers in Japan, new types of electric vehicles are being developed with the aging population in mind. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry held a test-driving event showcasing new types of electric vehicles (or EVs) aimed at older ...

  7. 2017年1月26日 · Kairakuen. Mito is home to one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan (Nihon Koen), Kairakuen. In Japanese, Kairakuen means '"garden that can be enjoyed by everyone" and as the name suggests, it was open to all who wished to use it. Kairakuen was established in 1842 by Nariaki Tokugawa, and even though much time has passed since then, the gardens ...