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    課程類別多元化,包括多個幼兒教育及院舍主管培訓課程. 立即查詢

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  1. 2019年7月11日 · 高齡司機的安全駕駛貼士. 07/11/2019. 隨著年紀增長,身體老化,開車可能越來越困難,某些動作也不如年輕時容易,例如轉頭看看有沒有對頭車或者閱讀遠處的路牌。 因此高齡司機應該不時檢視自身的駕駛能力以策安全。 今天的快而保專題就會列出高齡司機應留意的安全駕駛貼士。 開始駕駛前考慮以下因素. 你的手臂、腿部、頸部或背部是否感到痛楚或僵硬? 若答案為「是」的話,這可能會影響你的操控動作,例如控制變速箱、離合器,望倒後鏡這些動作。 我們建議司機休息到僵硬症狀消散,全身由頭到腳都可自由活動後才開車。 你曾否被確診患上任何慢性疾病(如癲癇、失智症等? )若答案為「是」的話,慢性疾病很可能會影響你的駕駛表現,在開車前先向醫生了解。 駕駛時,即使是短距離,會否容易疲累?

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Consider The Following Checklist Before Getting Behind The Wheel
    • Stay Physically Active
    • Visit The Local Optician Or Hearing Specialist For A Test
    • Avoid Using Mobile Phones Or Any Other Devices That May Cause A Distraction
    • Consider Taking A Refresher Course
    • Get in Touch with Kwiksure Today
    Do you have any pain or stiffness in the arms, legs, neck, or back? If so, this may affect your ability to engage the likes of your gearbox, control the clutch, or look across into the mirrors. The...
    Have you been diagnosed with any chronic conditions (e.g. epilepsy, dementia, etc.)? If so, a chronic condition will most likely affect your safety on the road, and the advice here would be to cons...
    Do you tire easily when driving, even at short distances? Aging drivers may experience fatigue more often than younger drivers, which affects how long you’re able to drive. When making plans to dri...
    Do you feel stressed and anxious? Feeling stressed can affect other health conditions that may be present in aging drivers, such as heart disease, which can cause a stroke. Again, it’s best to cons...

    Elderly individuals are recommended to stay physically active to improve strength and flexibility. For those with access to a gym, personal trainers are qualified to help improve mobility and indicate areas along the body to stretch. For those without a gym membership, there are a plethora of exercises that can be done at home.

    Hearing and vision are senses that tend to decline with age. Impaired hearing (limited hearing or hearing loss) is a huge concern for older drivers as they are unlikely to hear oncoming emergency vehicles or vehicles warning of their presence with the horn. Age-related vision problems tend to arise the older we get, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and...

    Driving while distracted is a frequent cause of accidents. Therefore, it is best to follow the steps below before driving to reduce distractions as much as possible: 1. Plan the journey ahead. 2. Set the GPS device before heading off and not during the journey. 3. If traveling with a fellow passenger, ask them to help check directions if unsure. 4....

    Older drivers may not be aware of the latest changes in rules and regulations when driving in Hong Kong. For this reason, it is recommended to consider taking a refresher course for older drivers. Getting an update might even help to earn a discount on future car insurance, depending on the policy. For the most benefits, check for a community educa...

    The aforementioned tips will help older drivers to remain safer on the road. However, for all drivers in Hong Kong, it is mandatory to at least have third-party liability car insurance. Just like how there are numerous other safety tips for older drivers to consider, there are also a plethora of car insurance plans to choose from. The hard part is ...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2019年1月10日 · 01/10/2019. 在香港聘請外傭的價錢不算昂貴手續也簡單故此很多家庭單親父母或者需要照顧長者的人都會聘請外傭來幫助他們處理日常家務作為僱主,其中一個重任就是要對外傭的安全和健康負責。 除了透過僱員賠償保險為你的外傭提供最基本的保障外,僱主也可以進一步減低風險,例如購買外傭健康保險、借貸保障、牙醫保險等。 在這篇快而保的文章中,我們會為你帶來關於僱員賠償保險的深入資訊、外傭保險的保障範圍及額外保障。 甚麼是僱員賠償保險? 和很多其他已發展國家一樣,香港有自己的勞工法例,要求僱主購備保險,在工傷及意外等狀況時賠償。 所有僱主,特別是有意聘請外傭的人,需要留意根據勞工處的《香港僱員補償條例》,僱主必須為僱員購買僱員賠償保險。 香港的僱員賠償保險保障甚麼?

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  3. 2024年3月21日 · 可透過「 香港政府一站通網上平台填寫及遞交電子申請表格需修畢課程後一年內遞交申請)。 於網上成功遞交申請表格及所需文件後需列印申請表格並在丁部聲明書簽署或列印已使用「 智方便 」作數碼簽署的申請表格然後交予就讀的培訓機構蓋印證明申請人已成功修畢有關課程。 申請人須於遞交網上申請表格起計一個月內,把已簽署及蓋印的申請表格正本遞交至 在職家庭及學生資助事務處 。 紙本申請. 可向各區民政諮詢中心或從網上下載 SFO 313(2022) 表格。 把已填妥表格及所需文件郵寄或親身遞交至 在職家庭及學生資助事務處 。 持續進修基金學車|付款及退款程序. *以香港駕駛學院私家車駕駛證書課程為例.

  4. 2019年10月14日 · An overview of the hiring cost. The initial cost of hiring. If you are hiring through a domestic helper agency, you’ll have to pay an initial cost that falls between HK$2,500 - HK$10,000, depending on the contract details of your helper or agency. Remember that an agency cannot charge more than 10% of one month salary to the helper.

  5. 2023年12月28日 · 帶同申請表及近三個月住址證明,到香港牌照事務處或九龍牌照事務處辦理手續,並繳交駕駛考試申請及學牌申請費用($510+$548) 獲發筆試排期信,按信上日期應考。 筆試內容為 20 條選擇題,需答對 16 條或以上方為及格. 筆試合格後,可即時辦理路試排期信. 選擇駕駛學院或私人師傅學車,根據運輸署建議最少有 30 小時路面實習. 根據路試排期信上所列日期應考路試,分為: 乙部︰主要考斜坡開車、停車,泊位及窄路掉頭. 丙部︰根據運輸署所訂的考試路線進行路試. 7. 合格後,獲發暫准駕駛執照(P 牌) 駕駛學院好定私人師傅好? 私人師傅優點/缺點. 運輸署建議學神們要上最少30小時的駕駛訓練,坊間學車大多為45分鐘一堂,即是至少要有40堂才合符運輸署的建議。

  6. 2022年8月6日 · 外傭中介防伏位 #4 辦識外傭中介黑心操作. 僱主在揀選合適的僱傭中心時,除了可以留意社交媒體如 Facebook, Google Review 和 Instagram 的評論之外,自己亦可以留意外傭中介的常見黑心操作,包括:. 相反,正當良好的僱傭中心,應該會向僱主說明清楚聘請外傭時的 ...