雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Open an HSBC One account in just 5 minutes in the HSBC HK App 5. You’ll get a chance to win exclusive tickets to HSBC One x T1《League of One》party, and get a reward up to HKD4,588. HSBC One believes if you want be world no. 1, you have to challenge yourself. Be bold. Be yourself. Be the legend that you are. That’s why we’re teaming up ...

  2. 滙豐One 撐起每個Legend 滙豐One相信要做世一,就要敢去挑戰。放膽做自己,legend就係你!為咗鼓勵大家,滙豐One破天荒聯乘LoL世界級電競隊T1,希望透過佢哋嗰份無限熱誠,堅定信念,去感染每個legendary嘅你。

  3. Faith in property value preservation has dropped from 76% in 2022 to 53% in 2023. 68% anticipate and are concerned about rising interest rates. This indicates that property acquisition is losing priority, signalling a shift in investment focus. Unlock your wealth potential with HSBC Premier's comprehensive solutions.

  4. 政府於全港各區設立疫苗接種中心,免費為巿民接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗。基於不同疫苗抵港日期、疫苗供應及接種情況,不同接種中心將分階段開放(星期一至日早上8時至晚上8時)。有關詳情,可瀏覽政府及各大傳媒網站。

  5. 最初是子宮頸內部的細胞開始變化。 抹片檢查的目的是在細胞尚未發展為子宮頸癌以前,及早發現並防止癌細胞的發生。 子宮頸內發現的不正常細胞,被稱為子宮頸內上皮瘤。 這些細胞在早期並不是癌細胞,如果未能及時醫治,可能會發展為癌症,有些醫生稱其為前期癌。 症狀. 最常見的是陰道不正常的出血,譬如在每次月經之間﹑絕經後或者性交之後出血. 陰道排出有氣味的分泌. 性交時感到不舒服或痛楚. 最重要的是,不要害羞或拖延去看醫生。 越早看醫生並做出診斷,康復的機會就越大。 減低風險. 定期進行柏氏抹片檢查. 想了解更多資訊,請瀏覽香港癌症基金會網站,或致電香港癌症基金會免費服務熱線 (852) 3656 0800. 了解更多. 資料來源:香港癌症基金會.

  6. Eldercare Hong Kong The Projected Societal Cost of Eldercare in Hong Kong 2018 to 2060 3 Dr. Vivian Lou Director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing The University of Hong Kong “Sau Po Centre on Ageing (“CoA”) at the University of Hong Kong is a leading research

  7. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › promo › spending-instalment-planHSBC Spending Instalment Plan

    You can submit your application for the Spending Instalment Plan any time on the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or the Reward+ app. Applications will be processed in real time by our systems during these hours: Mondays to Fridays: 9:00am to 8:00pm. Saturdays: 9:00am to 5:00pm. Sundays and public holidays: 9:00am to 12:00am.