雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 政府於全港各區設立疫苗接種中心,免費為巿民接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗。基於不同疫苗抵港日期、疫苗供應及接種情況,不同接種中心將分階段開放(星期一至日早上8時至晚上8時)。有關詳情,可瀏覽政府及各大傳媒網站。

  2. One of the most important Chinese festivals, is Chinese New Year. This is the time when the whole city stops for a 3-day celebration, lion dances cavort through the streets, and friends and families visit each other to exchange greetings and gifts. If you are married, you might want to take part in the local custom of giving “Lai See”, or ...

  3. FAQs for new HSBC customers. HSBC is the largest bank in Hong Kong, and one of the leading financial services organizations in the world. With a wealth of local insights backed by a seamless global network, it’s here to meet all your banking and financial needs, wherever in the world you are from. Q1 Where is the nearest HSBC Express Banking ...

  4. (852) 2233 3130. 我們的延期年金壽險計劃. 滙豐聚富入息延期年金計劃. 供款5年或10年. 積存期後可分10、 15或20年收取按月年金或繼續積存生息. 有機會於年金期開始時獲特別獎賞,並在計劃內積存生息(如有),成為每月非保證年金金額的一部分. 在繳存保費期間,每人在每個課稅年度內有機會享個人入息稅扣稅金額高達港幣10,200 2. 投保年齡26至65歲. 限時優惠. 投保本計劃可享首年保費高達13.5%折扣,同時申請滙豐自願醫保靈活計劃更可享高達14%折扣。 受條款及細則約束 。 了解更多. 滙豐盈達延期年金計劃. 供款5年. 按月穩收年金20年或至99歲,或可選擇將年金保留在計劃中,繼續積存生息.