雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www5.bocgins.com › BOCGI › datawww5.bocgins.com


  2. 3. 若此投保書所含的內容與保單條款有任何歧異,概以保單為。In the event that the information contained in this Proposal Form does not conform to the terms in any policy issued, the policy terms shall prevail. 4. 「現金保險」(下稱“本計劃”) 由中銀集團保險

  3. Network Hospital List. The gradings of the hospitals are classified by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China. The grading will be changed from time to time by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China without any prior notice. 表內各醫院評級乃由中國衛生部自行審定和分級。 若有任何改動,IPA將不會作事先通知。

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