雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 上車攻略: 拆解高成數按揭 想知道高成數按揭有何要求?雙糧、花紅、佣金能否計入息?怎樣才可令預算更鬆動? ... 置業及按揭申請流程 總結買樓的8個步驟,詳述買樓和申請按揭貸款的流程。 了解更多

  2. 以下圖解案例,為您逐一拆解箇中責任和不同之處:. 抵押人(Mortgagor) = 業主,又稱按揭人. 借款人(Borrower) = 承擔貸款債務責任、負責供款的人. 擔保人(Guarantor) = 為按揭提供擔保的人. 提提您:. 無論是做抵押人、借款人還是擔保人,都要考慮對自己未來 ...

  3. 申請樓按經常聽到H按、P按、定按,其實有何不同?應該選擇哪一種才能符合預算又慳息?面對經濟大環境變化又有何要注意? 本港樓按計劃主要分為浮息和定息,而浮息按揭又分為「H按」與「P按」,本文教您分清當中的分別,掌握利率走勢對供樓開支的影響。

  4. Borrower = The person responsible for the loan debt and for making payments. Guarantor = The person who provides a guarantee for a mortgage. Tips: Whether you are thinking of becoming a mortgagor, borrower or guarantor, you must consider the impact on your future borrowing capacity, and plan carefully, especially if you intend to buy other ...

  5. 汇丰人寿保险(国际)有限公司(「汇丰保险」)获香港特别行政区保监局授权及受其监管,於香港特别行政区经营长期保险业务。. 汇丰保险是於百慕达註册成立之有限公司,亦是香港上海汇丰银行有限公司(「汇丰」)集团旗下从事承保业务的附属公司之一 ...

  6. 滙豐One 撐起每個Legend 滙豐One相信要做世一,就要敢去挑戰。放膽做自己,legend就係你!為咗鼓勵大家,滙豐One破天荒聯乘LoL世界級電競隊T1,希望透過佢哋嗰份無限熱誠,堅定信念,去感染每個legendary嘅你。

  7. In Hong Kong, the two major types of mortgage plans are floating rate and fixed rate, with two different floating-rate mortgage plans, namely HIBOR-based and prime-based mortgages. This article explains the differences between these mortgage plans, and illustrates how interest rate trends impact mortgage loan repayment and the implications ...