雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  2. 為貫徹本行「以人為本」的企業文化,我們致力培育優秀人才,有系統地提升優秀人才的領導才能和管理能力。我們通過和知名培訓機構及大學合作、母行中國銀行及先進同業的學習與交流,逐步提升員工的專業知識和技能,擴闊他們的國際視野及市場觸覺。

  3. Finance Academy. Want to manage your wealth by yourself but no way to begin with? Finance Academy provides you with easy-understanding information, including videos, life examples and stories that helps you to obtain basic knowledge of investment and insurance, and build up the concept of wealth management.

  4. 中銀香港響應「世界投資者週2021」活動,於財智學院為您提供最新 ESG 教學短片及資訊,助您認識可持續金融。 #WorldInvestorWeek #IOSCOWIW2021 立即進入 了解更多 靈活投資 機遇盡握 註:上述產品及服務受條款及細則約束。客戶需自行支付使用及 ...

  5. 廣告片巧妙結合了實景拍攝及大量後期製作,於60秒內高度濃縮中國銀行在港服務100周年的重要歷史事件,伴隨優美如歌的配樂及深情如詩的解說,營造微電影般的畫面氛圍。. 廣告片現正於多個覆蓋香港、內地及東南亞地區的電視頻道、網絡平台及香港戶外電視 ...

  6. Established in 2006, our Management Trainee ( "MT" ) Programme aims to nurture high-calibre individuals to become future leaders who are ready to take up challenges and excel in any parts of our businesses. Positioned as the cradle of leaders, we are determined to invest considerable amount of resources into our MTs, through the provision of ...

  7. 財智學院. 想自助理財但又無從入手?. 「財智學院」透過深入淺出的教學及資訊,包括短片、生活化例子及小故事,讓您可以一站式的獲得投資及保障的基本知識,幫助理財新手建立更全面正確的理財概念。.