雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 伴隨著連接日本本島與北海道的青函隧道於1988年開通後,往返於東京上野與北海道札幌的臥鋪列車北斗星,不僅能讓乘客一邊搭車一邊欣賞沿途的風景,車內備有的浴室、廁所以及可完全平躺的臥鋪,更為從日本本州搭夜行列車到北海道帶來了一股風潮。. 1999年 ...

  2. 2017年11月2日 · The Iga ninja originated in Iga Province in the area around the towns of Iga and Ueno in Mie Prefecture. The Iga ninja trained in ninjutsu (the art of stealth) in the local mountains and forests, honing their secret art and skills over many centuries. These ninja were trained in the arts of disguise, escape, concealment, explosives, poison ...

  3. 2017年1月26日 · 10 Japanese Business Etiquette Rules. There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before ...

  4. 1.晃動繩子把鐘搖響,鐘的響聲有兩個功效,一是告訴神靈有人來參拜,一是為參拜者驅邪。 註意搖繩子時不要用力過猛。 2.把香火錢放在功德箱內。 3.向神社鞠躬行禮兩次。 4.拍手兩次。 5.祈禱。 6.再鞠躬行禮一次。 以上方法是比較常規的做法,因地方和神社不同,做法上也有差異。 並不是每個祈禱處都有鐘,如果沒有則省略鳴鐘這一步。 另外有些地方在“鳴鐘投錢,二禮二拍祈禱再一禮”前後,各加一次輕微鞠躬;遠近聞名的島根縣出雲大社,不是拍兩次手而是四次。 更正規的做法是在完成以上事項之後吟誦祈禱詞“天津祝詞”。

  5. 2022年6月21日 · Suntory这款混合麦芽与穀物所製成的「響」有多种变化款。 有高级的21年分(约36000日元一瓶),是2014年混合威士忌世界之最。也有深受大众喜爱的12年分(约10000日元一瓶)及17年分(约15000日元一瓶)。这些威士忌都是经过梅利口酒桶里的陈化,因此带有丰富果香味。

  6. 2017年11月2日 · Since this is a general term for a lantern, it's often applied to lantern festivals that don't specifically feature chochin paper lanterns. 8. Tado Taisha Chochin Matsuri (Mie) Tado Taisha Shrine is located just west of Nagoya in the city of Kuwana in northeastern Mie Prefecture.

  7. 2018年10月17日 · Huis Ten Bosch (ハウステンボス) is one of the only remaining signs of the Dutch influence in Japan—an influence that was ubiquitous from the 17th to 19th century, when the Netherlands was one of the world's major economic powers. Although Japan practiced a policy of isolation from the outside world during these years (1639 - 1854), with few foreigners allowed in to the country—and ...

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