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  1. 海象資訊服務全書下載

  2. Heavy Rain: 24-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 80 millimeters, or 1-hour rainfall exceeds 40 millimeters. Extremely Heavy Rain: 24-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 200 millimeters, or 3-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 100 millimeters. Torrential Rain: 24-hour ...

  3. 系集預報的應用翻轉了對颱風與豪雨定量 降水預報的傳統框架,而使得定量降水預 報技術的發展進入了一個全新的領域。. 52. 路徑預報誤差 • 導致實際降水熱區定 量降水預報的低估 • 非降水熱區有高估的 趨勢. 53. NORTH. Best SOUTH. 852. 884 400~700 ~400. 問題是 ...

  4. 首頁 | 交通部中央氣象局

  5. PRESS RELEASE Contact: Kuo-Chen Lu Director Weather Forecast Center Central Weather Bureau (02)2349-1200, 0916127916 Hot Summer and Normal Number of Typhoons Expected for 2020 Taipei, Taiwan, June 30, 2020– So far this year, only 2 typhoons