雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Premier is steadfast in supporting your journey to intergenerational wealth sustainability. We offer you tailored services like our Wealth Goal Insurance Plan II, which enables policy coverage transfer to your loved ones, ensuring your financial aspirations are met at every life stage.

  2. A single grain of rice, though seemingly inconsequential, can amass to yield a rich harvest when accumulated. The Hongkong Bank Foundation is steadfastly committed to forging connections within the community through meaningful actions. Drawing inspiration from "rice", we introduce the SOULFULL initiative. These heartfelt messages from our community will accompany love-infused lunchboxes ...

  3. How will people spend these additional years of old age? We invited slashies -- Mr Lawrence Cheng, Ms Deborah Woo and Mr & Mrs Yan (volunteers of Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service) to share the tips on how to live a productive ageing life. Let’s break the

  4. 癌症资讯 | 非奇金氏淋巴瘤 | 香港汇丰. 非奇金氏淋巴瘤. 淋巴癌主要有两大类:非奇金氏淋巴瘤和奇金氏癌。 淋巴细胞通常在淋巴系统内的淋巴结内扩散,但有时这些癌细胞也可能进入血液,到不同的器官。 当这些癌细胞抵达一个新地方后,它们会继续分裂,形成一个新肿瘤。 大多数非奇金氏淋巴瘤的起因不得而知,但这方面的研究一直在进行。 研究人员正在调查各种情况,例如器官移植后采用防止排斥的药物等,会不会增加患上淋巴癌的机会。 症状. 全身症状: 于颈部、腋下、胃部或大腿内侧有无痛结块;夜间盗汗;无故发烧,过后又自动消退;无故消瘦、疲倦;全身痕痒等。 局部症状 - 淋巴结的癌细胞转移至邻近部位/器官,便会出现相关症状: 如有癌肿邻近胸腔,患者可能会咳嗽、吞咽困难、气促。

  5. To encourage wider home ownership, the government has introduced mortgage insurance policies that allow home buyers to purchase properties with a lower down payment, and enable first-time home buyers who are permanent Hong Kong residents to pay less stamp duty. Are you eligible as a first-time home buyer? First-Time Home Buyer Eligibility.

  6. 香港滙豐卓越理財. 親愛的客戶: 我們留意到您已有一段時間未曾使用短訊/個人網上理財訊息中註明的香港滙豐卓越理財戶口。 由於保安理由及保障您免受詐騙交易的損失,若您持續不使用該戶口,日後該戶口的交易可能受到限制。 請即於戶口進行交易. 為免該戶口的服務日後可能受到限制,請於 短訊/個人網上理財訊息中註明的日期前 透過個人網上理財、香港滙豐流動理財應用程式、自動櫃員機、電話理財或蒞臨分行 進行下列任何一項交易 : 轉賬(包括在您名下的不同滙豐戶口之間轉賬) 提款或存款. 繳付賬單. 以香港滙豐信用卡進行任何交易. 滙豐卓越理財帶給您全面的服務及尊屬禮遇,瀏覽 www.hsbc.com.hk/premier 了解更多。 我們期待繼續為您提供優質的銀行服務。 財富管理及個人銀行(香港) 謹啟.

  7. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › ins › enLIFE Talk - HSBC

    Many people are joining the ranks of the slashies and creating new identities for themselves. One of them is Mrs Cheung, a former housewife who has transformed herself into a YouTuber with a large following and living a retirement life with a difference. What is her story? Let’s talk to Mrs Cheung about her recipe for success online and in life.

  1. 其他人也搜尋了