雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2836 1922. 課程資料. 課程目標. 香港是國際金融中心,金融從業員數以十萬計,競爭激烈。 與一般城市人一樣,他們每天承受著大大少少、來自工作、學業、家庭、生活改變等等的壓力。 不同的可能是他們的工作表現往往容易被量化,以至前線金融從業員的工作壓力多源於「跑數」。 另一方面,由於工作涉及客戶的金錢利益,做生意之餘還要顧及不少合規要求,稍一差池,便可能對客戶以至所屬金融機構造成損失。 工作壓力之大,可想而知。 若果處理得宜,壓力可以是動力的泉源。 反之壓力爆煲,則會危害身心健康,後果堪虞。 如何才能好好管理壓力、讓自己處於最佳狀態?

  2. Email: johntsang@vtc.edu.hk. Ms. Carrie Kwan (Programme Officer) Tel: 2836 1852. Email: carriekwan@vtc.edu.hk. Fax: 2891 5707. 課程資料. Module Intended Learning Outcomes: On completion of the module, students are expected to be able to: diagnose and assess risks within and across operational areas in a wide range of organizations;

  3. 地址: 香港灣仔活道27號職業訓練局大樓1樓 查詢: 2919 1467 / 2919 1468 / 2919 1478 電郵:cpdc@vtc.edu.hk

  4. 保險中介人資格考試/強制性公積金計劃考試的常見問題. ( 適用於由2020 年12 月1 日或之後舉行的考試) A) 關於報名. A1. 筆試應考模式(筆試)及電腦應考模式(電腦試)的考試有什麼分別? 就考試內容及範圍來說,筆試及電腦試是相同的。 可是,他們不同於: A2. 在哪兒可找到考試時間表? 可供報名的筆試及電腦應考模式的考試場次,於每個工作天(星期六除外)上午於網上報名系統(網址為www.vtc.edu.hk/cpdc/econline)更新。 A3. 如何報名考試? 所有保險中介人資格考試(筆試及電腦試)只接受網上報名(www.vtc.edu.hk/cpdc/econline)。 A4. 能否在一個星期內報考同一份試卷兩次?

  5. Huawei Authorized Learning Partner (HALP) Being the official Huawei Authorized Learning Partner (HALP) in Hong Kong, PEAK is offering this course to the general public and those who wish to learn storage skills and get certified with Huawei Certifications.

  6. Mainland Services. The Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trader's Representative Examination and the Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trader's Responsible Officer Examination conducted by the PEAK - Institute of Professional Education and Knowledge of the Vocational Training Council (VTC) have been approved by the Academic and Accreditation Advisory ...

  7. Pleasure Vessel Operator Certificate Exam - Part B (PDF) Enquires. For registration matters: PEAK Examination Centre. Tel. No.: 2919 1467. Email: cpdc@vtc.edu.hk. For application for certificates, enquiries on the certification requirement and examination exemption matters: River Trade and Local Examination Section.

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