雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 5 天前 · 於2020年,渣打香港有近半員工參與義務工作,貢獻了超過3,750天的社區服務。 個人銀行服務 「Premium理財」

  2. 2022年3月14日 · 理賠專員專責處理各種保險產品的賠償. 保障範圍. 按《僱員補償條例》(第282章)規定,僱主需為其僱員因工受傷而提供補償 : 基本要求. 在香港註冊及營運的公司. 重要事項. 1. 所有僱主必須遵守香港法例(第282章)《僱員補償條例》規定,向保險公司正確填報僱員薪金/報酬及其他收入資料,以確保僱員發生意外時能提供足夠責任保障。 2. 僱主須留意,根據僱員補償保單中的賠償條款和保險費條款,填報收入/薪金不足可導致僱主自行承擔事故索賠責任。 此外,若僱主未能按照(第282章)《僱員補償條例》第40(1)條投保,即屬犯法,一經定罪,最高可被罰款港幣100,000元及監禁兩年。 3. 僱員職務描述:請標明職業類別,例如:文職人員,銷售/營銷人員,信差,貨車司機,焊工等. 4.

  3. 2024 年 8月 1日. 渣打港元最優惠貸款利率維持不變. 2024 年 7月 18日. 渣打銀行、Animoca Brands及香港電訊攜手參與香港金融管理局穩定幣發行人「沙盒」. 2024 年 7月 2日. 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司委任風險管理總監. 2024 年 6月 25日. 渣打為正泰電器推出首宗具第二方 ...

  4. Step 1. Notifying the Bank of the death. Step 2. Identifying the personal representative and enquiring about balance of lending facility. Step 3. Obtaining Probate or Letters of Administration and dealing with the assets and liabilities of the deceased.

  5. Employees’ Compensation Insurance. Meet your legal obligation as an employer to give your employees compensation insurance. Liability cover for employers. Cover for employers against liability for accidental bodily injury to employees. Defending Claims Costs and Expenses.

  6. Staff Community Programme and Employee Volunteering Policy. Programme Care. Our employees around the world regularly give back to our communities through volunteering. In 2020, almost half of our Hong Kong staff volunteered to support the community, contributing over 3,750 volunteering days.

  7. Reach Us. If you would like to give an urgent banking instruction or report an urgent matter (e.g. report lost card or fraud, suspicious transactions), please call our 24-hour service hotline for timely assistance. Please do not provide your account or credit card number or convey any confidential information or banking instructions in the form.