雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Department of Literary and Translation Studies is home to a vibrant, dynamic, and dedicated team of local and global scholars. It is integral to the strong teaching, learning, and research culture at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Our research values diversity, inclusiveness, and cross-disciplinarity, and covers a broad range of ...

  2. Dean of School of Languages. Helen Beech is the Dean of the School of Languages and a Principal Language Lecturer in the English Language Centre. She holds an MA in History from the University of St Andrews, UK, as well as the Cambridge DELTA. She has been working in various roles at XJTLU since 2013, including working in several managerial ...

  3. 西交利物浦大学应用语言学系是一支专注于语言学、语言教育和翻译研究的学术团队,拥有来自不同国家和地区的优秀教师,提供多样化的本科和研究生课程,与国内外多所知名机构开展合作与交流,致力于培养具有国际视野和创新能力的语言专业人才。

  4. 2023年10月18日 · Date and Time Time:5:30pm – 7:00pm Date:Wednesday, 18th October Venue:IR – G16, SIP South Campus Language:English Speaker:Professor John Dennis Abstract My PhD supervisor Harry Kroto and two of his co-workers won the 1996 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for a discovery they had made 11 years earlier in 1985. This was the discovery of the “fullerenes” […]

  5. 2020年9月阮教授被任命为西交利物浦大学研究生院学术院长负责全校硕士和博士研究生教育。 历年来阮教授在大学多个委员会任职,包括学术委员会、教师职称评审委员会、学校教学委员会、学校科研委员会等,他还担任英国利物浦大学博士答辩考试的独立主席。 阮教授的研究领域包括学术写作、第二语言习得、中国语境下的ESP和语篇分析等。...

  6. 林永义 教授. 智能工程学院院长. 林教授在英国获得电子电气工程学荣誉学士学位和博士学位。 获得电气工程学博士,后就职于全球知名通讯系统公司安德鲁公司。 于2007年加入西浦,曾担任过电子与电气系主任和西交利物浦大学科研处,所有研究院与研究生院的院长。 现在担任西浦智能工程学院院长并兼任人工智能产业研究院院长和通信与网络工程系教授。...

  7. Chief Officer of Ecology. Professor Stuart Perrin was appointed Associate Principal of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) by Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in August 2019. He is...