雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 用我們的匯率計算機,計算換算貨幣的參考匯率,例如港兌換美元。 如想獲取更優惠匯率,只需登入滙豐網上理財即可享。

  2. Unlimited instant discounts on currency exchange spreads of up to 30%. Join HSBC Forex Club and exchange currencies to enjoy unlimited instant discounts on currency exchange spreads of up to 30%. New currency exchange customers can enjoy an extra cash reward of up to HKD388. Currency conversion risk involved.

  3. 汇丰一站式外汇服务方便您兑换外币,让您在出行之前,以优惠汇率买卖全球各种主要货币。

  4. 立即加入「滙豐尊尚兌匯」並兌換貨幣,尊享高達30%無上限即時兌換差價折扣,新貨幣兌匯客戶更可享額外高達388港現金獎賞。

  5. Exchange rate calculator. Get the latest currency exchange rates. You can use this calculator to see the indicative exchange rates between currency pairings, such as HKD to USD. But for even better rates available to you, please log on to HSBC Online Banking. Log on and exchange. Unlimited instant discounts on currency exchange spreads of up to 30%

  6. 滙豐外幣兌換服務. 立即查看滙豐外幣匯率走勢圖參考過去3年内11種主要貨幣兌港元的匯率走勢回顧外幣表現了解外匯動向輕鬆把握外幣買賣先機。.

  7. 遍布全港多區的人民幣及外幣提款機,24小時為您提供人民幣、日圓、美元及歐4種主要貨幣現鈔提取服務。 您亦可到我們的分行直接提取其他貨幣