雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年11月29日 · 這齣長壽音樂劇曾榮獲九項東尼獎,更在1971年被拍成電影。 首首耳熟能詳的歌曲感動了世界各地無數觀眾。 今次由香港話劇團藝術總監陳敢權先生翻譯及導演,相信這個粵語版本將帶給觀眾不同的視聽饗宴。

  2. The wide-ranging services provided by Caritas include social work services, education, medical care, community development and hospitality, etc. Today Caritas serves the community through over 270 service units from about 150 locations. It has more than 6,500 full time staff and receives ongoing support from thousands of volunteers.

  3. 4 賀詞:亞洲明愛主席 - Dr. Benedict Alo D'Rozario 6 序一:天主教香港教區 - 周守仁主教 8 序二:香港明愛總裁 - 閻德龍神父 10 信念、願景、使命、核心價值 11 香港明愛標誌的演變 16 第一章:組織沿革 30 第二章:各主教時期的重要建樹

  4. Setting up in 1986, Mainland Service Desk aims at fostering the social service in the mainland. Most of our project funds are supported by Hong Kong and overseas donors. Through continuous efforts, trust and understanding is well established with our mainland partners including civil administration departments and different working partners.

  5. 廣東狀王方唐鏡助紂為虐,多行不義終於招來橫禍,不僅功名富貴化為烏有,更惹來厲鬼纏身索命。. 方唐鏡為求活命,被逼答應鬼魂阿細的要求,替其心上人秀秀翻案。. 二人一鬼踏上征途,從憎恨到原諒,在追尋公義的路上救贖自我。. 由自由空間委約、香港話劇團及 ...

  6. 2022年10月28日 · Caritas - Hong Kong was awarded the "The Community Chest Award for Outstanding Service" at the Community Chest Annual Awards Ceremony on 21 October 2022. Rev Peter Lo, Assistant Chief Executive of Caritas - Hong Kong, attended the ceremony and

  7. 明愛總裁楊鳴章神父於二OO五年九月十八日(常年期廿五主曰) 在太古城彌撤中心彌撤中講道重點: “明愛的服務工作 - 你今日做咗未?. 教會在香港的服務,除了聖事、禮儀和牧民工作之外,也有教育和社會服務。. 香港明愛是香港教區為社會服務而設立的機構 ...

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