雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 太擔任香港中華廠商聯合會副會長,慷慨捐贈獎學金予VTC,表揚及鼓勵學術成績優異、品格良好、積極參與校內及社區事務的VTC學生。 太於1996年獲頒「香港青年工業家獎」,2008年榮獲香港特別行政區政府委任為太平紳士,並分別於2004年及2014年獲香港工業專業評審局頒發院士及榮譽院士之榮銜。

  2. 入學網頁. 中三全日制. 職專文憑課程概覽. 職專文憑 (DVE) 課程設計靈活,通過本地評審,為中三至中五程度同學,提供一個具價值的進修途徑,升學就業均獲認可。 同學可因應個人興趣和需要,選讀適合自己的專業課程。 課程設有職專證書 (CVE) 及職專文憑 (DVE) 學銜。 持有中三、中四或中五程度的同學一般需時約三年取得 DVE 學歷。 多元廣泛 照顧不同興趣及需要. 專業課程配合多個行業發展,包括美容及美髮、機電、汽車、資訊科技、商業、時裝、珠寶、鐘錶、印刷及酒店業等。 課程中有部分單元以中文授課及評核,同學可以更容易掌握有關的行業知識。 設計靈活 就業升學兩皆通. DVE 課程設計為學生未來升學及就業作最佳準備。

  3. 入學申請 院校一覽 S6 全日制 學士學位 「應用科學為本」學士學位 「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」(SSSDP) 高級文憑 基礎課程文憑 課程設以下三大專業範疇,部分課程更設有分流,讓學生可配合自己的興趣,選擇合適專業,發揮所長。 升學階梯及學費

  4. Overview of Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes. The Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) Programmes, which are accredited locally, adopt a credit-based system with a flexible curriculum. They provide school leavers from Secondary 3 to Secondary 5 with a valued pathway for continued studies and career development.

  5. Youth College (Yeo Chei Man) Diploma of Vocational Education (Fitness and Sports Studies) FS113676. Diploma of Vocational Education (Fitness and Sports Studies) Youth College (Tseung Kwan O) Youth College (Tuen Mun) Diploma of Vocational Education (Hotel Studies) FS113679. Diploma of Vocational Education (Hotel Studies)

  6. As the highest recognition conferred by the Vocational Training Council (VTC), the Honorary Fellowships are awarded to distinguished individuals in recognition of their contributions to the VTC, the development of vocational and professional education and training or the community of Hong Kong.

  7. Higher Diploma Programmes, covering a wide spectrum of academic disciplines, cater for students with different interests and abilities while imparting knowledge and skills in professional areas. The programmes effectively meet manpower needs, and students get a taste of real business while participating in work attachment programmes, which ...