雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港人很喜歡日本,雖然平均每個人都會一年去日本好幾次,對日本有一定熟悉,但大家還好像對日本的各種事物有不同的幻想跟憧憬,就好像今天我們要討論的主題「跟日本人交往談戀愛」。香港男生總幻想有個溫柔體貼安靜的日本女朋友,而香港女生總希望有個跟傑尼斯系的帥哥來一個日劇式的 ...

  2. 2019年3月22日 · The new chocolates come in a beautiful package, featuring images of sakura blooms and petals, a pink-hued bottle of sake, and a Japanese castle floating on a sea of gorgeous blooms. Like their past sake KitKats, these ones contain 0.07 percent alcohol content, making them unsuitable for children or people with a weak tolerance to alcohol.

  3. 香港這座匯聚了特別多種菜系的中外餐廳的國際都市中,美食豐富得令人眼花繚亂,幾乎涵蓋各種主要菜系。這次我們要精選出幾間10間積極選用日本食材的美食餐廳。包含與日本同步的手工精釀啤酒、使用日本季節性食材入菜的法式料理、祕魯菜,或是正統的日本懷式料理、仿造日本居酒屋、築 ...

  4. 2017年12月21日 · pixta.jp. The Hakone Sekisho (箱根関所), or Hakone Checkpoint, was the first major checkpoint on the Tokaido (東海道) highway connecting Edo (now Tokyo) with Kyoto. Constructed in 1619 and used until 1869, it was one of 53 such checkpoints used by the Tokugawa government to control travel between cities during the Edo Period (1603-1868).

  5. 2017年1月26日 · www.freeimageslive.co.uk. Omikuji are fortune-telling strips of paper you can purchase at Japanese shrines and temples. They offer both a general blessing and an outline of your fortune for more specific aspects of your life. While the specific fortunes are a little complex, here we offer an explanation of the main kinds of general blessing you ...

  6. 秋田市雖然是秋田縣較大的城市,但在這裡穿梭遊覽卻沒有感受到像東京、大阪般的煩囂感覺,大概是因為秋田市只得30萬人口,而秋田縣全縣人口密度日本排名第三低。所以如果你遊覽過角館和田澤湖後,也不妨順道參觀這個讓人悠閒自在的城市,感受這裡的地道美食、自然和藝術文化。

  7. 2018年12月27日 · The Intricate Detail of Kirie Paper Cutting. Kirie (切り絵, literally "cut picture") is the Japanese art of paper-cutting. Variations of kirie can be found in cultures around the world, but the Japanese version is said to be derived from religious ceremonies and can be traced back to around the AD 700s.

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