雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年3月18日 · And your benefits will be reduced or suspended if your total monthly income is more than ¥280,000 while below 65, or more than ¥460,000 at 65 or above. The National Pension plan is much simpler to calculate. As of 2018, if you were enrolled for 40 years, your Old-age Basic Pension amount is a modest ¥779,300 per year.

  2. 2017年1月11日 · Japan is home to some of the funniest commercials out there. From this high-kicking office worker with incredibly stinky feet to these high-flying school girls doing parkour, you can find all manner of unique, cool and just plain weird advertisements. We're not sure what to label this one, but it seems to be bringing a few laughs to Tokyo train ...

  3. 申請條件. ① 有積極求職意願,可馬上工作的狀態. 補充:如果因懷孕或育嬰離職的話,可等到能就職時再申請 (可延長3年)。 若因傷病而離職領取的津貼為「傷病津貼」,詳情可搜尋「傷病手当」。 ② 在離職日的前兩年以內,有加入雇用保險至少12個月以上. 例外:非自願離職的情況為在離職日前1年內,加入6個月以上. 申請流程. 一、 攜帶以下文件至離住處最近的公共職業安定所ハローワーク (Hello Work),確認申請資格及失業津貼登記。 ① 離職票. ② 雇用保險被保險者證. ③ 印章. ④ 身分證件 (在留卡等) ⑤ 證件照兩張(3x2.5 cm) ⑥ 銀行帳戶存摺. 「離職票」與「雇用保險被保險者證」可向公司索取。 公司有義務給離職員工,若索取困難可與ハローワーク諮詢。

  4. 2017年6月14日 · Watch on. This commercial, produced by Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., tells a story of two Japanese schoolgirls who face-off for one empty seat on a crowded train carriage. Deathly stares between the girls suddenly turns into an “air chair battle,” which then quickly escalates into a very strange dance battle—carried out to the tune of what ...

  5. 參加日本當地旅行團的注意事項. 最後來說說參加日本當地旅行團的注意事項。. 1.嚴禁遲到。. 旅行團行程都是很緊湊的,巴士一定得定時出發不等人,以免耽誤後續行程,要是錯過出發時刻也只能含淚說再見啦。. 2.因天候或車況因素部分行程有可能取消 ...

  6. 1955年日本通產省(現在的經濟產業省)公布了國民車構想,計劃 由通產省研發物美價廉的小客車。 盡管這壹構想效果不及預期,卻讓成千上萬的日本人感到小客車距離自己並不遙遠。 1959年鈴木自動車工業、1960年東洋工業、1962年新三菱重工業、1966年 ...

  7. 2017年6月2日 · Sailor Moon is constantly appearing in different collaborations and events, and the latest are promotional videos for a delicious-looking energy drink called Chocola BB Joma, featuring voice-acting by none other than the legendary voice of Usagi herself, Mitsuishi ...