雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港置地文華東方酒店廚藝總監 Richard Ekkebus呈獻的SOMMdegustation 六道菜菜譜以優質時令食材入饌,薈萃精選佳餚,誠邀賓客逐一細嚐美酒佳餚的韻味並與侍酒師們即席交流。 餐牌詳情:https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/LMHKG%20-%20Landmark/PDFs/landmark-somm-six-course-degustation-menu-boc-cheers.pdf. 客戶需於指定訂座網址提前訂座以享受優惠。 優惠不適用於加一服務費,並需於餐廳內繳付。 地址: 中環皇后大道中15 號置地文華東方酒店7樓 網頁: http://sevn.ly/xLmHdEBR.

  2. 中銀香港響應「世界投資者週2021」活動,於財智學院為您提供最新 ESG 教學短片及資訊,助您認識可持續金融。 #WorldInvestorWeek #IOSCOWIW2021 立即進入 了解更多 靈活投資 機遇盡握 註:上述產品及服務受條款及細則約束。客戶需自行支付使用及 ...

  3. 中銀香港創新先驅大賽 2024 | 智能變革 賦能未來.

  4. Technology Innovation. Green Operations. Risk Management. Requirements. Undergraduate students or above who are currently studying in the universities in Hong Kong. Strong academic performance and desire to pursue career in banking industry. Excellent communication and interpersonal skill.

  5. 人才培訓及發展. 中銀香港視「人才」為寶貴資產,非常著重人才培育,每年投入大量資源進行人才培訓及發展,並通過有效的激勵機制,保留、吸納及激勵人才,為中銀香港集團的長遠發展做好準備。.

  6. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  7. Management Trainee Programme. Established in 2006, our Management Trainee ( "MT" ) Programme aims to nurture high-calibre individuals to become future leaders who are ready to take up challenges and excel in any parts of our businesses.

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