雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港人很喜歡日本,雖然平均每個人都會一年去日本好幾次,對日本有一定熟悉,但大家還好像對日本的各種事物有不同的幻想跟憧憬,就好像今天我們要討論的主題「跟日本人交往談戀愛」。香港男生總幻想有個溫柔體貼安靜的日本女朋友,而香港女生總希望有個跟傑尼斯系的帥哥來一個日劇式的 ...

  2. 2016年9月15日 · During the Edo period, Hakone was a primary way station along the Tokaido Road, the best known of the “highways” that the daimyo (feudal rulers) of Japan’s historical provinces used to travel between Edo, as Tokyo was then known, and other parts of the country. The daimyo were required to come to the capital once a year, and as a means of ...

  3. 甲子園是一年一度使全日本都沸騰起來的高校野球大會。高校野球大會不單單是高校生的運動會 ... Jinichi Segawa 2017年5月15日 更新 運動 活動 萌物 家族 兵庫 關西地區 每年的八月,要問全日本最矚目的運動是什麼?那應該就是全國高校野球大會了。因為是 ...

  4. 2017年11月2日 · The first is a faith expressed through actually climbing Mount Fuji (mountain pilgrimage, or tohai ), the second is a faith expressed through viewing Mount Fuji from a distance (worship from afar, or yohai ), and the third is a faith expressed through creating pictures or literature featuring Mount Fuji. What follows is an explanation of two of ...

  5. 2016年11月28日 · Even after the religion was banned in the late 16th century, the islands west of Nagasaki and Kumamoto sustained hidden Christian communities for centuries. When the ban was lifted in 1873, dozens of unique and beautiful churches quickly sprung up across the region. 1. O-ura Cathedral. O-ura Cathedral was built in 1864 for French nationals as ...

  6. Jinichi Segawa 2017年5月15日 更新 運動 活動 萌物 家族 兵庫 關西地區 擁有一百年曆史和傳統的高校野球大會,對於專業選手來說就是鯉魚躍龍門的機會。 活躍在甲子園的選手,可以抓住晉升為專業野球選手的機會。因此,高校野球大會就是專業選手的鯉 ...

  7. 2016年5月27日 · This polyglot is Kurt Kubli Genso, a Swiss native who came to Koyasan eighteen years ago and became a Buddhist priest. Read full story: Highlighting Japan Japanese Countryside Shoryudo. Coming to Koysan 18 years ago, Swiss national Kurt Kubli Genso became a Buddhist priest, and now guides visitors around this three-star World Heritage Site in ...