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  1. The Seminary Survival Quiz was created by the good folks at GoingtoSeminary.com.This quiz is not related to SeminarySurvivalGuide.com, though we think that is a great site too.Finally, a disclaimer - Pretty much no quiz can really tell you if you're ready for ...

  2. SEMINARY SURVIVAL QUIZ. Are you in seminary? Maybe you're just thinking about seminary. Whatever the case may be, it is important to know the challenges that lie ahead of you and if you're up for the task. The following quiz will help you to determine your fitness for seminary training and the likelyhood that you'll actually survive it.

  3. The Seminary Survival Quiz was created by the good folks at GoingtoSeminary.com.This quiz is not related to SeminarySurvivalGuide.com, though we think that is a great site too.Finally, a disclaimer - Pretty much no quiz can really tell you if you're ready for ...