雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Enjoy extra HKD4 = 1 mile rewards on your Online and Travel spendings. Successfully register from now until 30 June, and accumulate Eligible Transactions of HKD16,000 or above with your Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard ® within the designated Spending Period to enjoy an extra HKD4 = 1 mile in Online and/or Travel spending categories.

    • 85.2B
  2. Please click here for terms and conditions. Standard Chartered SME Banking's Straight2Bank online banking service offers a customisable suite of user-friendly tools for cash management, local and international payments, trade and payroll transactions and foreign exchange transactions and more.

  3. 纪念Tenzing Norgay. 27年前的今天,一位传奇登山人物结束了他的一生。. Tenzing Norgay,和Edmund Hillary并列为首个成功登顶珠峰的人,1986年在印度的Darjeeling去世了,享年71岁。. Photo: Jamling Tenzing Norgay. 尝试与失败. Tenzing第一次尝试攀登珠峰时只有19岁,当时他是Eric ...

  4. It’s all about your needs and your aspirations. As a Priority Banking client, you will enjoy exceptional and tailored services reserved for those with your distinctive status. As you move from one life stage to the next, we continually review and ensure your financial plan stays on track. Here for you. Here for good.

  5. 2020年12月31日 · 經 SC Mobile App 開立戶口的新客戶尊享. 意外身故及完全永久傷殘賠償. 高達港幣250,000的一筆過賠償,以即時支付任何相關醫療費用。. 每月保費. 低至每月HK$25 (不包括徵費) 。. 備註 : 1. 受保人必須: (a) 年齡在首個保單生效日須為十八 (18)至六十五 (65)歲 (18及65歲 ...

  6. 2 天前 · 客戶可使用電子賬單及繳費服務隨時隨地透過渣打網上理財登記、收取、查看及繳付賬單,更有效管理所有賬單和付款。. 由2021年6月開始,水務署及差餉物業估價署已不再提供電子賬單及繳費服務申請。. 您的繳款服務則不受影響。.

  7. 3 天前 · 此超連結可連接至由第三方於互聯網上編載和經營之其他網站。第三方乃非渣打銀行(香港)有限公司及其他渣打集團成員(合稱「本行」)所擁有、控制或相關之單位,亦與本行無任何關係。 此超連結只為閣下帶來方便及提供資訊之用。